With respect to “Climate Change”, this website and my contribution to the discussion focuses on the data. I have a standing request/challenge to anyone (scientist or not) to provide an empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Scientific proof requires empirical data. The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory does not have that empirical data (because that data does not exist).
Preface (authored by Ron Davison) OPS-81 Climate Change is an extremely complicated subject that has been reduced to the very one-dimensional, unscientific All CO2, All the Time narrative presented in
OPS-80 To start with I would like to wish that everyone’s New Year is a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous one! 2024 was a good year for climate realism, looking for
OPS-79 I am helping a small company set up a natural gas fired generation facility out in the Hanna/Sheerness area of Alberta. This project is a microcosm of the “climate
OPS-78 Very small concentrations of some elements/molecules can be very toxic. Arsenic, for example, can be fatal in the 2 to 20 mg/kg range (0.0002% to 0.002%). How is that
OPS-77 Do the atmospheric temperatures drive ocean temperatures or do ocean temperatures drive atmospheric temperatures? A rather basic question that deserves proper consideration. For those that are not aware, the
OPS-76 The 2023 Fire Season in Canada was significantly more active than normal. Although the number of fires (roughly 6,550) was just slightly higher than normal, the acreage burnt (18.5
OPS-74 This slide totally contradicts the alarmist narrative. CO2 is obviously not driving sea level (a very important climate indicator). The ≈140 ppm CO2 increase since the pre-industrial era is
OPS-73 The answer is obviously NO! The models are currently programmed to reflect the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist “narrative” (i.e.: the warming since the pre-industrial era is due
OPS-72 Well, the answer is lower, despite all the hype to the contrary. Greenland is in the North Atlantic. So, not surprisingly, Greenland’s temperatures are affected more profoundly by the
OPS-71 Climate Change is Complicated! Unless you believe the Catastrophic Anthropogenic “Global Warming” (CAGW) alarmist narrative (i.e.: “Climate Change” is controlled by trace gases in our atmosphere (primarily CO2)). Full
OPS-70 Real bad, close to the worst of a whole lot of bad models. All those models were reviewed in my CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models post. The Canadian models
OPS-69 – Polar Temperature/CO2 Extrapolations When can we expect the ice in Greenland, the Arctic and/or Antarctica to disappear? The alarmist community would have you believe that the polar ice is
OPS-68 One of the biggest problems climate realists face is the complexity of the Climate Change issue. You simply cannot present all the relevant data and economic/scientific analysis in formats
OPS-67 Here is the yearly fire statistics update. As usual, there is little change in the North American trends. The number of fires in both the US and Canada are
OPS-66 Just a short one pager today. After watching one of Tony Heller’s videos, I noticed that he had built in an annual average temperature function option into his Real
OPS-65 The never-ending diatribe coming from the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd says our planet is burning up and we (through our emissions (primarily CO2)) are the evil
OPS-64 – Ocean Heat Content (OHC) is often used as an indication that our planet is warming us into oblivion. Yes, the OHC is rising but what do those numbers
OPS-63 Wishing You All a Happy New Year!! Another year has gone by, and the latest hurricane season has once again confirmed that any who are professing that hurricane activity
OPS-62 The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd has been known to occasionally ignore some data or take liberties with interpretation. I am not going to litigate those indiscretions
OPS-61 Spoiler Alert for the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd (that includes the majority of our Calgary City Council). There were substantially more and more sustained hot days
OPS-60 This post puts the current 1.07 °C temperature rise since the pre-Industrial period (as per the IPCC AR6 report) in perspective. The original 2015 Paris Accord target was 2.0
OPS-59 This post is a little add-on to my CSS-10 – A Ride Through the Cenozoic post. When I put the CSS-10 post together, I had not converted the carbon
OPS-58 Something simple but interesting. This post is highlighting a recent video by Tony Heller that points out the absurd situation currently playing out in the US Historical Climatology Network
OPS-57 Another hurricane season has passed us by (in the North Atlantic). The 2021 season itself was quiet and so was, predictably, the media. Gratefully, we were not constantly bombarded
OPS-56 This post has a quick look at the UAH satellite temperature data and the relationships between average global temperature and the atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The correlation is shaky at
OPS-55 2021 has been a very interesting year in climate science (from both the IPCC’s simplistic, unscientific CO2 approach and from the perspective of the real-world science community that recognizes
OPS-54 The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd likes to maximize the visual impact of the rising atmospheric CO2 levels (as shown in the upper two plots on the
OPS-53 I always get a kick out of our favorite CAGW alarmist trolls claiming that I am “cherry picking” data. If you go back and review the last IPCC report
OPS-52 The last Climate Short Story (CSS-12 – Cosmic Ray Discussion) included a simple plot that deserves to be highlighted on its own merit. NOAA (definitely not a climate skeptic
OPS-51 This post is an extension of my Holocene Logic Series. The large plot focuses on the last 4,000 years of the Holocene. The planet’s temperature has (in general) been
OPS-50 Hope everyone had a Great Canada Day or just a Great Thursday. I just recently posted a detailed Climate Short Story (CSS-10 – A Ride Through The Cenozoic). That
OPS-48 This is a simple question to ask, but finding the answer is exceedingly difficult. The cost estimates are all over the board, with the only common ground being they
OPS-49 The subject of temperature manipulation (on its own) is a very complex subject (a bit difficult to confine to one page but I am giving it a try). To
OPS-47 The fact checking phenomena currently employed by social and mainstream media is a joke. To start with, the fact checkers routinely interject their biases into their responses. If you
OPS-46 The 2020 North Atlantic Hurricane season was busier than normal but was not statistically significant. Especially since the North Atlantic does not represent the global situation. Funny how the
OPS-45 How effective are CO2 emission reduction schemes? A look at the data shows that despite the trillions of dollars spent to date, the efforts to date have been almost
OPS-44 This post does not present any new data. The primary purpose is to show the general effect of averaging the data and the potential issues on simply plotting data
OPS-43 I have seen these plots or similar ones go by lately and thought it would be worthwhile to show them together (i.e.: synced). A quick hat tip to Gregory
OPS-42 This post takes another look at CO2’s Climate Sensitivity (CCS), condensing the discussion down to one page. A more detailed look was previously posted in CSS-3 – CO2 Sensitivity.
OPS-41 This post combines a recently circulating life representation over the last 600 million years with their corresponding atmospheric CO2 and Global temperatures. The post is somewhat self-explanatory, but essentially
OPS-40 I had updated the UAH Temperature Anomaly (TA) as of November 2020. The UAH update is now using a new Baseline (1991 – 2020). The change from (1981 –
OPS-39 This post is an extension of OPS-38 (Central England Temperature (CET)) post. In that post I focussed on solar activity and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation’s (AMO) influence on the
OPS-38 Most measured temperature records only go back to the mid-1800’s. The Central England measured Temperature (CET) extends back to 1669 in the middle of the Maunder Minimum. And before
OPS-36 This post is an important rehash of earlier posts (just laid out in a different format). The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd is fixated on CO2 (to
OPS-35 Merriam-Webster Definition: Gaia – “the hypothesis that the living and nonliving components of earth function as a single system in such a way that the living component regulates and
OPS-34 This OPS is more philosophical, and opinion related than most of the posts I put out. I have left it in the OPS section because there are plenty of
OPS-33 California Fires – September 2020 To start with, I would like to wish everyone a Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving! So, was California’s 2020 Fire Season a bad one? Absolutely, but
OPS-32 The 2019 Hurricane season did little to change the long-term downward trend of both the Number of Tropical Storms and the Hurricanes. We will have to wait and see
OPS-31 Drought is one of those extreme weather events that the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmists consistently warn us about. But, as with hurricanes, forest fires, tornados, etc. the
OPS-30 There are several avenues of discussion that can be applied to “Climate Change”. Primarily Science and Economics (with the environment and politics intertwined within the two). #showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
OPS-29 This OPS focuses in on California specifically and touches on the Australian Bush Fire Season. The Australian data was not readily available, so I have not included my own
OPS-28 We are getting close to the northern hemisphere fire season again and you can be almost certain that the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd will be back
OPS-27 Condensing this small subject within the Climate Change Discussion down to one page has been challenging. My Climate Short Stories (CSS-1 and CSS-2) and my original One Page Summaries
OPS-26 The AGW alarmist viewpoint is very simple. Continued CO2 concentration increases will lead to catastrophic temperature increases and mankind is responsible for those CO2 increases. The problem with their
OPS-25 I hope everyone is enjoying the New Year/Decade. A cold start here in Calgary, but currently enjoying the warm weather break (and before Leo D. (and the AGW alarmists)
OPS-24 The impending doom forecasted for snow on this planet appears to be premature. Above average, early and late snowfalls are becoming commonplace. Maybe, just maybe Al Gore and many
OPS-23 The topic of sea levels is being totally blown out of proportion by the media and their alarmist cabal. The tide gauges from around the world can be easily
OPS-22 This post focuses in on the basic premise of the IPCC computer models. The models are programmed to literally respond to only “Greenhouse Gases” (primarily CO2). Yet, historical data
OPS-21 This is a very important post. The “Global Warming” alarmist crowd has deliberately downplayed the radiative forcings associated with solar activity (direct and indirect (ocean cycles, cosmic ray intensification,
OPS-20 A continuation of the discussion laid out in OPS-19. Bottomline, there is no atmospheric CO2/Global Temperature data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant time
OPS-19 The whole “Global Warming” Alarmist story is based strictly on computer model projections. That is not science. Computer modelling is a tool but not a proof. The computer models
OPS-18 In reviewing “Climate Change” over these many years, there is one outstanding “BASIC” principle of science that is completely ignored by the “Global Warming” alarmist crowd and the “climate
OPS-17 I (being an engineer) have focused on the science first. But the economic analysis (which you won’t get from our ideological political and media sources) is just as important.
OPS-16 The following OPS summary appears dramatic at first glance. However, the atmospheric CO2 concentration extrapolations shown here (based solely on mathematics not technical science) are neither technically or economically
OPS-15 Just a quick summary to show the Northern Hemisphere snow trends and add to the discussion in OPS-13. Despite the doomsday predictions of no snow for our grandchildren, they
OPS-14 Consensus is unfortunately a very dangerous word in the field of science. As Einstein has famously said (paraphrased), it only takes one person to prove him wrong. There have
OPS-13a A discussion I had recently steered me back to the IPCC website. After reviewing some of the reports (link included on the OPS), I realized again why I went
OPS-12 The deepest problem that the “Global Warming” alarmist crowd has with defending their position is the lack of empirical (real life, historical) data. This OPS puts forward a variety
OPS-11 This is a focused version of OPS-10. The smaller scale is included to get a better picture of FOS annual budget fluctuations. FOS operates as David in this David
OPS-10 I apologize for taking some time off between posts. I’ve been busy with family life (children’s weddings, grandchildren birthday parties, etc.). You know those people in my life I
OPS-9 A common response by the “Global Warming” crowd is that 97% of scientists have endorsed the consensus that the “Global Warming” over the last century and a half is
OPS-8 The attached simple model (but by no means a definitive model) shows how easy it is to model modern temperatures without incorporating any CO2 forcing. This model uses only
OPS-7 The “Global Warming” alarmists tell us that Climate Change is simple. More CO2 will increase the global temperature (and without proof (computer models aren’t proof) they say it will
OPS-6 Another way to look at the surface temperature data over the last century and a half. Refer back to OPS-5. And “YES” the surface temperature data is manipulated. And
OPS-5 Here’s a quick look at a few of the available Temperature data sets that cover the last century and a half. Obviously the science is not settled. There isn’t
OPS-4 A quick look at the temperature rises over the last 150 years in comparison to the temperature changes that have occurred over the Holocene Interglacial warm period that we’re
OPS-3 These are some of the top lies, misrepresentations or ignorance of the facts that commonly appearin the “Climate Change” Discussion. The data is readily available (links below). 1. https://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/
OPS-2 Another Repost. One small correction since the last time the image was posted. Differentials have narrowed but they’re still significant and the problems (access to tidewater and over-regulation) have
OPS-0 Climate Change is an extremely important issue. But CO2 and Global Warming are not actually the problem. The following image (a general discussion) is the first of many that