With respect to “Climate Change”, this website and my contribution to the discussion focuses on the data. I have a standing request/challenge to anyone (scientist or not) to provide an empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Scientific proof requires empirical data. The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory does not have that empirical data (because that data does not exist).

Climate Short Stories (CSS)

scenic view of frozen lake against blue sky
  • CO2-Temperature – 66 Million Years
    CSS-67 What is the CO2/temperature relationship over the Cenozoic (the last 66 million years)? The peak temperatures and CO2 concentrations were at their high during the Eocene Climate Optimum and
  • Are Hurricanes Just Earthspots?
    CSS-66 This post has a quick look at sunspots and hurricanes (which could be described as “earthspots”). There are a lot of similarities between the two phenomena despite being subject
  • Are the LA Fires Due to ‘Climate Change’?
    CSS-65 The January 2025 LA fires have been devastating and just like the 2023 Maui and 2024 Jasper, Canada fires, there has been plenty of commentary related to poor forest
  • IPCC – Chapter 12 – Extreme Weather
    CSS-64 When someone says to you that ‘Climate Change’ is causing extreme weather events to become more frequent and/or intense, show them the IPCC’s Table 12.12. The IPCC (supposedly the
  • Alberta Electrical Power – 2023
    CSS-63 This post takes a somewhat detailed look at Alberta’s electrical grid. Generation data (on an hourly basis for every generation option) for 2023 was downloaded from the Alberta Energy
  • Trillions for an Unmeasurable Impact on Climate
    CSS-62 The Climate Crisis/Emergency/Latest Scary Descriptor is based entirely on computer models that are self-acknowledged to “run way too hot” and use unrealistically high emission scenarios (OPS-55 – The State
  • Sea Level and Temperatures
    Previous posts on Sea Level (linked at the end of this post) have shown that the All CO2, All the Time alarmist narrative does not represent reality. CO2 just does
  • UAH – July 2024 Update – Recent Heat
    CSS-60 The alarmist community has been making a lot of hay out of the current highest temperatures EVER. While the temperatures are indeed high, the narrative being pushed (as usual)
  • Calgary Temperatures – Revisited
    CSS-59 For Show Your Stripes Day (June 21st, 2024, Ed Hawkins’ creation to celebrate the catastrophic temperatures we have produced since the pre-industrial era), I thought I would personalize mine
  • More Solar Cycles
    CSS-58 A recent post by Joseph Fournier highlighted a paper comparing a consolidation of solar cycles to a multi-proxy temperature reconstruction covering the last 1,200 years. The correlation was exceptional.
  • Human Emissions
    CSS-57 The All CO2, All the Time (ACO2AT) narrative is the alarmist mantra. While there is no doubt that humanity’s CO2 emissions have risen significantly, atmospheric CO2 concentrations are still
  • The Holocene & Solar Activity
    CSS-56 The alarmist narrative depends heavily on you believing that CO2 is responsible for virtually all the warming (1.07 °C according to the IPCC’s 2021 AR6-SPM report) since the pre-industrial
  • Manipulating the Temperature Data
    CSS-55 Is the temperature data being manipulated? Absolutely, and that process is called homogenization. There are valid reasons for some adjustments (Time of Observation Bias (TOBS), Station Location changes, Equipment
  • Global Cooling NOT Warming is in the Forecast
    CSS-54 This post started out as a “simple” addendum to some previous Greenland posts (CSS-26 and OPS-72). I was adding in some additional discussion on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
  • CO2’s Moneyball Moment
    CSS-53 Moneyball was a movie about the Oakland Athletics (the A’s). In 2001, key members of their team had moved on to greener pastures (i.e.: teams like the New York
  • Extreme Weather Events
    CSS-52 First, a quick note to acknowledge Remembrance Day. Those lost in past wars made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the freedom many of us still enjoy today. Unfortunately, those
  • Soon-Connolly – Solar Forcings
    CSS-51 This post has a quick look at a recent paper (The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges
  • Historical Tornado Data
    CSS-50 The alarmist narrative hangs on (rather precariously I would suggest) to three pillars of pseudoscience, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, Computer Models and Extreme Weather Events. I class them
  • Data Extrapolations Show That the Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived
    CSS-49 I went back and forth between calling this a political or a climate science post. I have chosen to leave the post in the science category and make the
  • What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
    CSS-48 The prevailing theory lays the blame on a major celestial impact (tied to the Chicxulub impact site on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico). A recent paper by Cox-Keller (or
  • CO2 and Sea Level DO NOT Correlate
    CSS-47 I have looked at Sea Level rise a few times recently (links below). This post just adds another perspective by comparing three different data sets. The main take away
  • Sea Level – Fact Check
    CSS-46 I have looked at sea levels and their relationship to climate change many times in the past. I was recently fact checked on a document that reviewed an RBC
  • Antarctica Average Consolidated Temperature (AACT)
    CSS-45 In my previous looks at Antarctica, I had used either the Vostok (earlier on) or the EPICA Dome C (more recently) ice core data for temperatures. I switched to
  • Global Temperature Distributions
    CSS-44 The relentless bombardment continues. We are told that we are constantly experiencing the hottest day, month, year EVER, and unprecedented extreme weather, etc.! Those claims, in general, can be
  • Modeling Over the Holocene
    CSS-43 This post is an add-on to my last post (CSS-42 – The Role of the Sun – Scafetta 2023). CSS-42 focused more on development of Scafetta’s solar activity/forcing reconstructions
  • The Role of the Sun – Scafetta 2023
    CSS-42 The primary purpose of this post is to introduce Nicola Scaffeta’s most recent paper (“Empirical assessment of the role of the Sun in climate change using balanced multi-proxy solar
  • Canadian Forest Fires – 2023 Interim Report
    CSS-41 As I speculated back in early April (OPS-67 – US-Canada – 2022 Forest Fires), the CAGW alarmist community would ramp up the propaganda if there were any major fire
  • Satellite Temperature Comparisons
    CSS-40 A very important development just manifested in “climate change” science. Many thanks to Prof. Ross McKitrick for bringing that information to our attention (The important climate study you won’t hear
  • WMO – Global Warming Propaganda
    CSS-39 Recently, I have noticed a lot of temperature plots that only show the estimated (i.e.: homogenized, manipulated) surface temperature rise from around 1965 to the present. These plots are
  • Stripe Charts – Temperature
    CSS-38 I do get tired of seeing the many variations of the CAGW alarmist stripe chart. Virtually every version is cherry picked to start at the end of the Dalton
  • Hurricanes – Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)
    CSS-37 I have, in the past, talked about hurricanes and tropical storms. But my data was limited to the number of storms/hurricanes. And contrary to the CAGW narrative, the number
  • Solar Flares and CMEs
    CSS-36 “Climate Change” is an existential threat. Is that statement true? Well, that depends on your definition of “Climate Change”. If you follow/believe/worship the simplistic, unscientific Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming
  • Climate Change – It’s Complicated – CC-IC
    CSS-35 When I first started writing on the “Climate Change” topic (my Open Letter to the World and a subsequent Addendum), I put out a graphic that showed the global temperature
  • Rate of Temperature Change (ROTC) – UAH-LT
    CSS-34 This is my second post on the University of Alabama, Huntsville’s Lower Troposphere (UAH-LT) Temperature dataset in the last month. Normally I would not put out a UAH update
  • Sea Level Rise – Is There Acceleration?
    CSS-33 One of the bigger climate change scares has always been sea level rise. At best an irrational fear. Even in the worst-case emission scenarios ((SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5) dubbed as implausible
  • UAH-LT Temperature – November 2022
    CSS-32 This post started out as a quick update to the University of Alabama, Huntsville’s Lower Troposphere Satellite Temperature data. But like everything related to Climate Science (in the real
  • Volcanic Activity
    CSS-31 This is my first post directly related to volcanic activity. An online acquaintance (Andy Wienckowski) asked me (after reading my Open Letter (2018)) about the increasing volcanic activity over
  • CMIP6 Climate Models
    CSS-30 – The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist community relies almost exclusively on their computer model projections to justify their ideological narrative. Unfortunately, (for them) they do not have
  • Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2
    CSS-29 I have put together a couple of simple spreadsheet climate models in the past (OPS-8 – Basic Climate Model/Open Letter Addendum and CSS-16 – Central England Temperature – Model).
  • Glaciers in Greenland
    CSS-28 The glaciers (like the temperatures) in Greenland are not cooperating with the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist narrative. This post looks at the Petermann and Jakobshavn glaciers in
  • Is CO2 Really the Primary Climate Driver?
    CSS-27 A very basic and important question of “climate science”. To start with there is no empirical Temperature/CO2 dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical
  • Greenland/Iceland – AMO/PDO/CO2 Distribution
    CSS-26 In my recent CSS-23 – Greenland/Iceland – Homogenization post, I looked at homogenization (which is not as bad as most other places around the world, but still a problem)
  • Incremental Homogenization – HadCRUT4 to HadCRUT5
    CSS-25 Homogenization is the only significant tool that the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmists have left in their “scientific” arsenal. A tool that is quickly becoming harder to justify.
  • Is The Holocene Really A New Epoch?
    CSS-24 That question is a bit esoteric since the physical evidence will not be available for a few thousand years. But the question is important because it demonstrates one of the
  • Greenland/Iceland – Homogenization
    CSS-23 Greenland is an important area of the planet, given that most of the planet’s ice (outside of Antarctica) resides there. And based on ice core data, this appears to
  • Snow Update – June 2022
    CSS-22 To start with I hope everyone is enjoying or has already enjoyed Father’s Day. My family (children and grandchildren) should be over shortly, and I will no doubt enjoy
  • CO2 – Visualized Temperature Contribution
    CSS-21 In this Climate Short Story (CSS), I am attempting to provide visualizations of the CO2 contribution to warming/cooling over a variety of time scales. When you apply basic atmospheric
  • Homogenization – Solar Activity Style
    CSS-20 This Climate Short Story reviews a recent video put forward by Dr. John Robson through his Climate Discussion Nexus platform. The “Looking At The Sun” video discusses recent Total
  • Calgary – Homogenization
    CSS-19 A simple task (updating my temperature data for Calgary) turned into a rather complex Climate Short Story. Calgary (on its own) is obviously a very localized area. But the
  • Sea Levels and Climate Drivers
    CSS-18 One of “Climate Change” alarmist’s great scares (fear porn) is the threat of sea level rise. The temperature rise prophesied by the IPCC high priest modellers will flood all the
  • Forest Fires – March 2022
    CSS-17 This Forest Fire Update has played out the same as my recent OPS-57 – Hurricane Update – 2021 Season post. Like the Hurricane downtrend, Forest Fires have been and
  • Central England Temperature – Model
    CSS-16 One of the many problems with the available global surface temperature record is the short time period. Ideology, accuracy, homogenization and areal coverage (especially in the 19th century) would
  • Phanerozoic – Progressive Detail
    CSS-15 The Phanerozoic covers close to 600 million years of history where life was abundant on the planet. That constitutes a lot of data. There are a few plots showing
  • Has our Planet been Warmer than Today?
    CSS-14 The answer is YES, most of the time. And the planet has been significantly warmer roughly 86% of the time abundant life has existed on the planet (the Phanerozoic).
  • A Look at Homogenization
    CSS-13 I took at a bit of a break to take care of some personal issues, travel a little, live life and do a little research. Hopefully, everyone’s lives are
  • Cosmic Ray Discussion
    CSS-12 Cosmic Ray Flux (CRF) is a topic you will not find in Mainstream “Climate Change” discussion. You might find a reference dismissing CRF (and any other solar forcing) outright,
  • Snow And Ice – July 2021 Update
    CSS-11 Given that several interesting global cold events have occurred recently, I thought this might be a good time to update the planet’s Snow and Ice situation. Having just come
  • A Ride Through The Cenozoic
    CSS-10 I was quite excited to find a good, detailed data set that fills the hole between the 800,000-year ice core data and the Berner/Scotese 570-million-year Phanerozoic time frame. The
  • What Is The Ideal Global Temperature?
    CSS-9 Climate Alarmism took a bit of a breather through the COVID-19 crisis but is once again poised to pick up right where it left off. You do not have
  • Earth Day 2021
    Note: The images (CSS-8c, 8e and 8f) have been updated to correct the temperature designation from C to F. CSS-8 Earth Day, was set up in 1970 with this stated
  • CO2 – The FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas
    CSS-7 This Climate Short Story (CSS) looks at the historical strength of CO2’s ability to warm/cool the planet in relation to the other forcings acting during specific time periods. There
  • John Christy – January 2021
    CSS-6 This Climate Short Story is a little out of the ordinary for me because it is always easier to defend data (and therefore interpretation) I have retrieved for myself.
  • Snow and Ice – September 2020
    CSS-5 – How Has The Snow And Ice On The Planet Been Holding Up? This Climate Short Story (CSS) looks at this question. We are experiencing the “HOTTEST YEARS EVER”
  • Holocene and the Milankovitch Cycles
    CSS-4 This Climate Short Story (CSS) looks at the Holocene interglacial warm period and the influences that the Milankovitch cycles have on the global temperatures. The analysis looks at those
  • CO2 Sensitivity
    CSS-3 This Climate Short Story is focussed on the theoretical CO2 Climate Sensitivity. The subject material is more technical than most of the previous discussions but is nevertheless a particularly
  • Holocene Logic – CO2 Logic
    CSS-2 Back to the data. This second Climate Short Story expands on the Holocene Temperature-CO2 Logic discussion by focussing in how the Modern Temperature Record (MTR, 1750 – Present) dataset
  • Holocene Logic
    CSS-1 The “Climate Change” discussion is a very complicated subject. The OPS series tries to break that discussion down into bite size chunks (i.e.: looking at just the status of