What Is The Ideal Global Temperature?
CSS-9 Climate Alarmism took a bit of a breather through the COVID-19 crisis but is once again poised to pick up right where it left off. You do not have to look any further than the Project Veritas discussion with a CNN Technical Director (journalism at its finest and summarized below).
CNN: “Our focus was to get Trump out of office, right?
Without saying it, that’s what it was. Right?
So, our next thing is going to be for climate change awareness.”
Veritas: “Do you think it’s going to be just like a lot of like fear for the climate?”
CNN: “Yeah. Fear Sells.”
The difference going forward will be the accelerated push that the movement will receive from the Totalitarian agendas the UN is pushing and programs like the Davos elite sponsored WEF “Great Reset”. The four-year Trump hiatus derailed their One World Government plans and they are determined with the help of political puppets like Trudeau and Biden to get back on track and FAST.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
This Climate Short Story is more about Climate Change science than the politics (although it is hard to discuss science solely when the narrative is so politically charged and intertwined). The whole premise of CAGW alarmism rides on the assumption (unproven (on so many levels)) that CO2 is causing a warming that will be catastrophic. That leads to a couple of questions. What temperature level is catastrophic? And what might the ideal temperature level be? After all, if we believe we can control the temperature with CO2 emissions, we should have a target to aspire to.
The first question has an easy answer. Given that the planet’s temperature has been much higher than today’s “HOTTEST YEARS EVER” through 90% of the Phanerozoic, that is not a climate problem we will have to worry about (CSS-9g). The Phanerozoic comprises the last 550 million years where life has been abundant on this planet. We can simply not put enough CO2 into the atmosphere to get anywhere near the Phanerozoic highs let alone what might be “catastrophic” temperatures, even if the CAGW alarmist pseudo-science was correct. For those that want to contemplate what real catastrophic climate change might look like, explore the “Cosmic Disaster” videos at Suspicious0bservors.org. The solar micro-nova driven temperatures will be a catastrophic mass extinction events, and they may be a reality within a few decades. But yeah, let’s continue to focus on a trace molecule that makes up a whopping 0.04% of our atmosphere and has a questionable climate sensitivity (CSS-3 – CO2 Sensitivity).
The second question is harder to pin down. On a general basis (as will be shown in the CSS), the ideal temperatures are much higher than what we are experiencing right now or will experience in the virtual reality created by the IPCC computer modellers. To be fair, in my 65 years, the climate has been very comfortable throughout. Even in a cold country like Canada. But the problem humans face (as has all life through the Pleistocene Ice Age) is the very short duration of those “comfortable” temperatures. Temperatures will move back into those deep ice age conditions regardless of how much CO2 we emit. That move might occur in decades, thousands of years or as little as a few days in the aftermath of a solar micro-nova. Let us hope the thousands of years prevails. In my opinion, the ideal temperature range would be periods like the Jurassic, Cretaceous and middle Eocene. Barring cosmic disasters, humans could evolve both physically and technologically for millions of years. Not surprisingly, these periods also had optimal CO2 levels for plant growth (±1000 ppm).

CSS-3 – CO2 Sensitivity
CSS-7 – CO2 – The Feckless GreenHouse Gas
OPS-28 – Forest Fire Discussion
OPS-29 – Forest Fire Discussion II
OPS-31 – US Drought Situation
OPS-32 – Hurricane Update – August 2020
OPS-33 – California Fires – September 2020
OPS-38 – Central England Temperature
OPS-46 – Hurricane Update – 2020 Season

CSS-2 – Holocene – CO2 Logic
CSS-4 – Holocene and the Milankovitch Cycles
OPS-26 – Holocene T-CO2 Logic
OPS-27 – Holocene Temperature – Simplified
OPS-36 – Holocene Logic – Simplified II

Open Letter to the World
OPS-35 – CO2 Will Kill the Planet

OPS-41 – CO2, Life and Temperature Fluctuations Over 600 Million Years