With respect to “Climate Change”, this website and my contribution to the discussion focuses on the data. I have a standing request/challenge to anyone (scientist or not) to provide an empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Scientific proof requires empirical data. The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory does not have that empirical data (because that data does not exist).


Canada-China CO2 Emissions Comparison

PSS-2 This Political Short Story (PSS) compares CO2 emissions between Canada and China. Breaking down those emissions based on each country’s characteristics will provide some perspective. While both countries are large (China – 9.4 million km2 (2nd place), Canada – 9.1 million km2 (3rd place)). That is pretty much where the similarities end. Canada has a much smaller population (37.9 million versus 1.44 billion in China). As a result, we have an overabundance of natural resource and agricultural export opportunities. China on the other hand uses most of their resources in country and import much more to supply the needs of their own citizens or their manufacturing exports.

#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange

The differences do not stop there. Canada’s climate is much colder and our population is much sparser. To compete on the world market, we need access to abundant, cheap and reliable energy. Wind and solar do not meet any of those requirements. To compete, we also need a Federal leader that places his citizen’s best interests ahead of his idiotalogical (not a typo) views. That is a topic for another time.

As a society, we are also quite different. Canada has much stronger environmental, regulatory and societal standards. Not surprising, given our British Parliamentary system versus the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) system. I hesitate to call Canada a full democracy given the tendency of our Federal leaders to act like dictators. Given our current leader’s admiration of the CCP’s dictatorship and the entitlement he feels Quebec deserves (“This country, Canada, it belongs to us,” For Justin Trudeau, ‘we’ means ‘Quebec,’ not Canada | National Post), I am not surprised by his dictatorial tendencies. For the record Justin, you do not have a mandate to increase the Carbon Tax or a mandate for any of the expensive, unnecessary UN policy directives you so obediently keep pushing on Canadian citizens. My bad, I digressed again.

Canada’s huge natural CO2 sinks should also be recognized. Our expansive forests alone absorb far more CO2 than Canadians emit.

In the end, the emission discussion will be pointless. The CAGW alarmists have never and can never put forward an empirical CO2/Temperature dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. A basic scientific requirement!! Their only “proofs” are computer projections. Sorry, computer models are not proof (Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO), OPS-8, Open Letter Addendum).

But in the event, you really believe the CAGW alarmist narrative (and their “science”), you should consider the economics of the 2015 Paris Accord (OPS-17, OPPS-9). Off the top, the Paris Accord commitments only go to 2030 and will only drop the temperature in 2100 by 0.048 °C (Canada’s share – 0.00096 °C). Delaying Canada’s emission reductions for 10 years (to deal with the financial fallout of the COVID-19 fiasco) would therefore make NO, NADA, ZERO difference in the 2100 temperature. Assuming the emission reduction expenditures continued through the century, the fully compliant Paris Accord temperature reduction would be 0.17 °C (Canada’s share – 0.0034 °C). In that scenario, delaying Canada’s emission reductions for 10 years would reduce the 2100 temperature by a whopping 0.00034 °C. As a taxpayer, I see no justification for not delaying the carbon tax and all these uneconomic green initiatives for 10 years (longer if I had a choice). One last digression, a good leader (Canada does not have one, OPPS-11) would recognize that we have far more important real financial/societal issues right in front of us, than the computer-generated temperature increases 80 years from now. Our leader is already taking us down the road to financial suicide and that is without factoring in the existential threat posed by the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) we just entered.

I am deeply concerned for the future of my children and grandchildren. As should everyone be, since our political establishment is (most likely knowingly) ignoring the real problems our society is and will be facing in the very near future to focus on their idiotalogical pet projects. Detailed data and discussion are available on my website, www.climatechangeandmusic.com.

Forest carbon emissions and removals (nrcan.gc.ca)
CO2 Emissions – Our World In Data
OPS-17 – 2015 Paris Accord
OPS-22 – Computer Models – Real Simple
OPPS-9 – Common Sense
World Bank – Canada Temperatures
World Bank – China Temperatures
India, China Account For Half the World’s Pollution Deaths in 2015
The History of Air Pollution in China
OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015
OPS-21 – Solar Cycles – Coming GSM
OPPS-9 – Common Sense