Glaciers in Greenland
CSS-28 The glaciers (like the temperatures) in Greenland are not cooperating with the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist narrative. This post looks at the Petermann and Jakobshavn glaciers in Greenland. Both of which have been touted as evidence of CAGW. They do react to temperature; they just do not react to CO2 and the changes will not be catastrophic. So, no C, minimal A, and some GW mixed in with some GC (Global Cooling, with a lot more to come over the next couple of decades). As shown in recent posts (CSS-23, CSS-26, and CSS-27), a significant portion of the temperature changes over the Modern Temperature Record are due to a combination of Solar Activity (Total Solar Irradiance (TSI, as a proxy)), the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). CO2 plays a minor role overall but may contribute significantly (but not dominantly) post-1950.
Major Takeaway: The Petermann glacier has been advancing steadily since 2012 (9.5 km, 0.95 km/year) and the Jakobshavn glacier has thickened significantly in recent years (despite rising CO2).
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
There is obviously more to the story and the three posts mentioned in the opening comment go into a lot of that detail. The glacier information is not as definitive as the temperature data, but you can see the AMO and ENSO in the data. What you cannot see definitively in the data is the CO2 influence. The Jakobshavn glacial history goes back to 1851 (conveniently lining up with the temperature rise out of the Little Ice Age (LIA) and just after the planet’s glaciers had stopped advancing (OPS-43)). Temperatures had been dropping significantly over the two decades pre-1951. The natural warming from 1851 to 1953 (102 years) accounted for roughly 56%, 27.7 km of the full 49.5 km glacial retreat. There was minimal anthropogenic CO2 influence over that period given that 86%+ of human emissions occurred post-1950.
Despite the increased CO2 emissions post-1950, the glacier retreat was stalled at a paltry 0.02 km/year from 1963 to 2001 (37 years). The retreat accelerated dramatically over the 2001 to 2006 period (15.6 km over 5 years (31.5% of the 49.5 km)). That is not a response to either the temperature increases or the slowly rising CO2 levels. The more likely culprit is change in the stresses as the retreat transitioned from a “narrow” channel to the wider bay closer to the mainland. After 2006, the glacial retreat dropped back to very low levels. Again, despite steadily rising CO2 levels. The years with the highest retreat rates are occurring during AMO cycle highs (the peak of the AMO warm phase).
The ENSO cycle is very visible in Greenland’s SMB data. In general, the years where El Nino was active had lower SMB adds and vice versa in the La Nina years. 2012 to 2022 is a relatively short period, but the SMB over that period is acting (as it should) in parallel with the global temperatures. Global temperatures (surface and satellite data (CSS-25)) have been generally declining since the 2016 El Nino year and the SMB adds have been higher than normal for 4 out of the last 6 years. 2019 (below normal adds) and 2020 (slightly below normal adds) were also subject to an El Nino. The ocean cycles are easily and routinely overpowering the effects of CO2. Look at the 2-meter anomaly map on the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer Weather site. The current global temperature anomaly is a paltry +0.1 °C above the 1979 to 2000 average. During the Pacific Northwest Heat Dome last year, the global average was +0.2 °C. The US, Northern Canada, Greenland, Antarctica, Russia, India and most of South America, Africa, Eurasia, Australia, and globe’s oceans are colder than normal.

CO2 is not controlling the planet’s temperatures. If CO2 was controlling the planet’s temperature, someone would be able to produce an empirical Temperature/CO2 dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on a statistically significant historical time scale. That empirical dataset (a basic Scientific Method requirement) does not exist. Solar Activity and the ocean cycles dominate and will determine our planet’s future temperature. The Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) and the cold phase of the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation will dominate the temperatures over the next couple of decades. We are headed for colder (and very likely dangerous) temperatures. Yet we (or more appropriately our “puppet leaders”) remain focused on a perceived problem (a century from now) that does not exist, all the while ignoring the real existential problems (i.e.: food, energy, financial, supply chain, medical crises) that are already on our doorstep and will be dramatically worsened as our temperatures drop over the next few decades. The easy solution is to just delay the “green” spending initiatives and deal with the real problems currently facing us. The temperature difference in 2100 will be insignificant and unmeasurable. But that will not happen. That approach does not fit the narrative or the agenda. Some repurposed historical prose (available on my website, CSS-28 – Glaciers in Greenland), expands on, but summarizes our current situation.
THEY CAME FIRST for our Energy System, (using Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Emergency/the Latest Scary Descriptor, Renewable Energy, the Green New Deal, Net Zero, ESG, etc.),
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t involved in the Energy System.
THEN THEY CAME for our Education System, (using Critical Race Theory (CRT), Common Core, Global Warming Propaganda, Gender Identity, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), etc.),
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t involved in the Education System.
THEN THEY CAME for our Medical System, (using Pandemics, Masks, Lockdowns, mRNA “vaccines”, Vaccine Passports, Therapeutic Suppression, etc.),
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t involved in the Medical System.
THEN THEY CAME for our Financial System, (using Account Lockdowns, Environment, Societal, and Governance Regulations (ESG), SCOPE 1, 2, 3 Emissions, etc.),
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t involved in the Financial System.
THEN THEY CAME for our Agricultural/Food System, (using Fertilizer Reduction, Mass Organic Implementation, Insect Protein, Meat Limitations, Corporate Land Acquisition, the coming food, energy, and supply chain crises, etc.),
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t involved in the Agricultural/Food System.
THEN THEY CAME for our Supply Chain System, ((truckers/merchant ships/airlines/etc.) using Vaccine Passports, Invoking the Emergency Act, Suspending Banking Privileges, destroying food distribution centers, shutting down ports, etc.),
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t involved in the Supply Chain System.
and I realized how involved I was in all these systems. THEY were coming for me right from the beginning and THEY are coming for you!
- Hat tip to Martin Miemöllor (the original author) for the general structure.
Who are THEY? THEY are the World Economic Forum (the WEF (Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset”, Yuval Noah Harari) and their corporate partners (Zuckerberg, Gates, Blackrock, Carney, etc.), the Davos Elite and the Bilderberg Group). THEY are the United Nations (the UN and all their Agendas (21, 2030) and subcommittees (the WHO, IPCC, WMO, etc.). THEY are all their political puppets (Trudeau and half of the cabinet in Canada, Arden in New Zealand, Macron in France, Biden, Obama, Gore, etc. in the USA, etc.). All these regulations, ideologies, control mechanisms, etc. originate in these organizations and are funneled down through their puppet network and propagandized through their controlled media. It all ties together. From Neil Oliver, it’s not about going green, it’s about going without, “Think the Unthinkable”!
THEY want an unelected, unaccountable, totalitarian one world government and THEY will be at the top. Everyone else will be at the bottom (owning nothing and being happy) or dead. The time to stand up against the Great Reset, etc. is NOW, before it turns into a Great Regret for you, your children and all those you love in your life (because it will)! These WEF/UN initiatives are already killing people (through food, energy, financial and medical oppression) and the deaths will accelerate drastically as these food, energy, financial and medical crises are magnified as our political “leaders” continue to double down on their dangerous, unscientific, and unnecessary idiotological WEF/UN initiatives.

Real Climate Science – Petermann Glacier Growth Since 2012

CSS-27 – Is CO2 Really the Primary Climate Driver
Surface Conditions: Polar Portal – DMI
Glacier Front Positions: Polar Portal – DMI

Jakobshavn Glacier grows for Third Straight Year –
Original Image from Washington Post, April 11th, 2017

CSS-11 – Snow and Ice – July 2021 – Update
CSS-22 – Snow Update – June 22
OPS-25 – Greenland Surface Mass Balance
OPS-43 – Glaciers and Sea Level
Surface Conditions: Polar Portal – DMI