Cherry Picking Data – CAGW Style
OPS-53 I always get a kick out of our favorite CAGW alarmist trolls claiming that I am “cherry picking” data. If you go back and review the last IPCC report (the 2014 AR5 Synthesis Report), you will find that there is NO data presented pre-1700 (with most of that data focused post 1850). And the writeup is focused almost exclusively on their invalidated computer models. Models that Gavin Schmidt (NASA/GISS) has just acknowledged, are running hot. Given Schmidt’s statement, I suspect that the IPCC’s AR6 Report (due out shortly), may also reflect that change in narrative. The CAGW narrative is completely focused on “cherry picking” the data, whether it is a time-based method (for example only presenting forest fire data post 1983 when the 1930s had 5 times the acreage burned that we currently experience) or just an outright omission of relevant data (i.e.: the solar forcings consist of more than just the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI)).
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Those omissions are intentional because they do not fit the CAGW narrative. The CMIP5 computer protocol only allowed Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) forcing but the programmers are well aware that additional solar forcings (Cosmic Ray Flux and High Energy Particles) have been added in the new CMIP6 computer protocol. In beta testing, the modelers were able to match the Modern Temperature Record (MTR, 1850 to the present) by incorporating the new solar forcings and removing the CO2 contribution. The real answer is a combination (with solar forcings dominating) but that does not fit the narrative. For a lot less money than the billions that have already been poured into these General Circulation Models (GCM), I showed (OPS-8 – Basic Climate Model and my Open Letter Addendum) that the MTR could be modeled for no cost with just a combination of TSI (as a Proxy) and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO). I have never cherry-picked data and never will. I use all the data available from many reputable sources. For example, the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC, affiliated with NOAA, NASA, etc.) only has polar sea ice extent data from late 1978 (when satellite data became available). Using that data is not cherry-picking. And I am more than willing to incorporate any new data into my evaluations and thought processes, but to date all I get is the accusation not the data link. Not surprising, since more data is generally detrimental to the CAGW alarmist narrative.
What I show in this post is a very small sampling of classic CAGW cherry-picks. Some other quick examples would be the Climategate Emails or the Hockey Schtick. A paper is making the rounds right now that has taken “cherry-picking” to a new level. The data they present only covers 1990 to 2020. There may be 11,000 plus scientists backing that “climate emergency declaration”, but you can almost guarantee that there are no good climate scientists on that list. A 30-year period is meaningless in “climate science”. There is no Climate Emergency ( and there is no empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale (a basic scientific requirement).
The CAGW alarmist narrative “science” is based primarily on “cherry-picked” data. There are no papers, articles, opinions that can prove that narrative, because there is no empirical Temperature/CO2 dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical data set. The only proof that the CAGW alarmist crowd can put forward is their computer models. Climate began prior to the Modern Temperature Record (MTR). Cherry-picking the MTR, ignores the rest (99.999999+%) of the planet’s climate history. The models are useless pre-MTR and they do not actually do a good job during the MTR (despite what the programmers say, natural forcings are still active in the real world). Yet our idiotological leaders still use the model forecasts to implement policy. Boy, do I long for the days when even Liberals had common sense.

World Declaration – There is no Climate Emergency
Open Letter Addendum
CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas
CSS-11 – Snow & Ice – July 2021 Update
OPS-8 – Basic Climate Model
OPS-22 – Computer Models – Real Simple
OPS-28 – Forest Fire Discussion
OPS-29 – Forest Fire Discussion II
OPS-31 – US Drought Situation
OPS-33 – California Fires – September 2020
OPS-36 – Holocene Logic – Simplified 2
OPS-43 – Glaciers & Sea Level
OPS-44 – Temperature Averaging Effects
OPS-46 – Hurricane Update – 2020 Season
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