With respect to “Climate Change”, this website and my contribution to the discussion focuses on the data. I have a standing request/challenge to anyone (scientist or not) to provide an empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Scientific proof requires empirical data. The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory does not have that empirical data (because that data does not exist).


Annual Revenues

OPS-10 I apologize for taking some time off between posts. I’ve been busy with family life (children’s weddings, grandchildren birthday parties, etc.). You know those people in my life I apparently don’t care about because I am skeptical of the our and world government’s position on “Climate Change”. I’m including this plot, to give a little perspective on the concept of Big Oil (versus Big Green). Friends of Science Society (FOS) is a small but successful (proudly Canadian) technical/economic voice against the “Global Warming” narrative. Full disclosure. I am a FOS member and I “volunteer” time to help out. I have and am willing (on a volunteer basis) to give further presentations focusing on the available data. FOS operates on an annual budget of roughly $150,000. I’m just not seeing a whole lot of support from Big Oil (because their is no Big Oil support). FOS revenue comes from memberships and personal donations. As such consider a donation and/or membership ($30 for 1 year or $60 for three years). The FOS website (friendsofscience.org) provides access to a huge archive of technical and economic papers, discussions, etc. Check it out!! As a member, you will receive monthly updates on new technical papers and economic discussions