Where Are Greenland’s Temperatures Headed?
OPS-72 Well, the answer is lower, despite all the hype to the contrary. Greenland is in the North Atlantic. So, not surprisingly, Greenland’s temperatures are affected more profoundly by the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) than CO2. Given that the AMO is dropping into its 30-year cold phase, there is little doubt where Greenland’s temperatures are headed. Unfortunately, the AMO will not be acting alone. The additional cold associated with the forecasted Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) will just layer onto the serious, climate policy induced problems society has already been experiencing. The minor warming that CO2 might provide (even using “the IPCC science”), will not, unfortunately provide any significant help (OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science).
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
This is just one of the areas that the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist community (politicians, their media minions, their puppet masters (you know who they are) and a far too compliant public) continually misleads, ignores relevant empirical data, etc., pushing a narrative that is leading us down a path to economic suicide and totalitarianism. My OPS-68 – Climate Change – Quick Hits post touches on this topic and a few other obvious problems with “the CAGW alarmist science” and economics. The available empirical data clearly shows that the CAGW alarmist narrative is not based on sound science. You just need to look at the data (all the data) for yourself to see the truth.
Or, you could just recognize the reality that the modelers have self-acknowledged that their models run too hot, they use low likelihood (implausible) high emission scenarios (according to the IPCC), NOAA has recognized the coming GSM and through their STAR satellite program has corroborated the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH) satellite temperature data and extreme weather events are not getting worse (again, according to the IPCC and the empirical data), and climate change has only a minor effect on GDP (according to the IPCC and Canada’s Parliamentary Budget Officer (among others)). Many of these points are discussed (with relevant links) in my OPS-71 – Catastrophic Global Warming Proofs? and OPPS-24 – Catastrophic Global Warming Proofs II? posts.

Tony Heller – Climate Fakery – Part 6
Surface Conditions: Polar Portal – Greenland SMB – DMI
CSS-23 – Greenland-Iceland – Homogenization
CSS-25 – Incremental Homogenization – HadCRUT4 to HadCRUT5
CSS-26 – Greenland-Iceland – AMO-PDO-CO2 Distribution
CSS-28 – Glaciers in Greenland
OPS-69 – Polar Temperature-CO2 Extrapolations
Here are some additional articles/papers/posts that provide further context to this discussion.
Climate Fakery – Part 6 – Tony Heller
Greenland Surface Mass Balance – DMI
Climate Short Story (CSS)
CSS-23 – Greenland-Iceland – Homogenization
CSS-25 – Incremental Homogenization – HadCRUT4 to HadCRUT5
CSS-26 – Greenland-Iceland – AMO-PDO-CO2 Distribution
CSS-28 – Glaciers in Greenland
One Page Political Summary (OPPS)
OPPS-24 – Catastrophic Global Warming Proofs II?
One Page Summary (OPS)
OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science
OPS-68 – Climate Change – Quick Hits
OPS-69 – Polar Temperature-CO2 Extrapolations
OPS-71 – Catastrophic Global Warming Proofs?