What Does 80+ Trillion Dollars Get You?
OPS-48 This is a simple question to ask, but finding the answer is exceedingly difficult. The cost estimates are all over the board, with the only common ground being they are all very high. In the US, the Green New Deal comes in at an estimated 93 trillion dollars. For simplicity, I use a low global estimate of 1 trillion dollars/year for this discussion. I would be happy to use the numbers from a good cost-benefit analysis if our illustrious globalist leaders would provide one. Regardless, spending trillions of dollars to reduce CO2 emissions is a complete waste of economic and human capital (even if you believe the IPCC “science”). Assuming every country adhered to their 2015 Paris Accord commitments (over the rest of the century), the temperature reduction in 2100 would be a measly, unmeasurable 0.17 °C (that we would reach a few years later anyway). OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Does it make sense to spend a trillion dollars plus a year to delay a forecasted warming of 0.17 °C by 3 years (80 years from now)? No, it does not! In the real world (not the IPCC’s virtual reality complete with Unicorns and Pixie Dust), the temperature reduction will be even smaller. The IPCC uses the RCP8.5 scenario for the business-as-usual emission scenario. This highly improbable emission projection is not business-as-usual. For detailed reviews of the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios, you can check out Roger Pielke Jr. (a good source for extreme weather discussions also), Friends of Science, Climate Discussion Nexus, etc. That is just a starting point. The IPCC also programs their models with unsubstantiated positive water vapour feedbacks that multiply CO2’s mild, beneficial warming effects and continually, knowingly ignore the many solar forcings over and above the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI).
The result, their models respond almost exclusively to CO2 changes (OPS-22 – Computer Models – Real Simple). Impossible in the real world where solar activity (through direct and indirect means (ocean cycles, etc.)) has driven the climate for the last several hundreds of millions of years (at a minimum). I suppose (my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek), there is a chance that the IPCC is populated with divine beings that can control the natural forces. But I for one am not willing to bet our 80 trillion dollars plus on that reality. That is 470+ trillion dollars per 1 °C reduction or 26.7+ trillion dollars per year to delay that overstated 0.17 °C temperature rise for a maximum 3 years). Time to wake up people, before the idiotological, religious CAGW alarmist movement does force the world back into the pre-industrial age. There is no Climate Emergency (CLINTEL – World Climate Declaration)!

Roger Pielke Jr. – Extreme Weather – Senate Presentation
Roger Pielke Jr. – RCP 8.5 Discussions
Friends of Science – RCP 8.5 News Release
Climate Discussion Nexus – RCP 8.5 Blog
Climate Change and the GDP – the Hill
US 2050 GDP – World Atlas
CSS-6 – Dr. John Christy – January 2021 Presentation Review
CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS Greenhouse Gas
OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015
OPS-22 – Computer Models – Real Simple
OPS-28 – Forest Fire Discussion
OPS-29 – Forest Fire Discussion II
OPS-31 – US Drought Situation
OPS-32 – Hurricane Update – August 2020
OPS-33 – California Fires – October 2020
OPS-46 – Hurricane Update – March 2021