Were the Hottest Temperatures in Calgary pre-1950 or post-1950?
OPS-61 Spoiler Alert for the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd (that includes the majority of our Calgary City Council). There were substantially more and more sustained hot days (34 °C or warmer) prior to 1950 (as shown in the attached OPS-61 post). So, no there is no climate emergency in Calgary (at least not due to warming). Just like there is no climate emergency globally (again due to warming). So, there is no need for Calgary to spend 87 billion dollars of our money fixing a problem that does not exist (but they will try) and there is no need for the world’s taxpayers to ante up hundreds of trillions of dollars for the same reason.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
This type of plot (just the data) is quick and easy to generate using Tony Heller’s Real Climate Tool. His recent video (Real Climate Tool (Part 5)) provides a quick tutorial. When you look at the empirical data and not just the propagandized news reports, the climate change picture is substantially different than what we have been told for the last several decades. The real existential climate change threat over the next couple of decades will come from cooling not warming. We are entering a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM cooling), the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) is cooling and most of (if not virtually all) the significant climate drivers are headed cooler. But sure, CO2 (which has never shown up as a significant driver in the historical data) is now going to overpower all the natural forcings that have dominated the planet’s climate for billions of years. Remember, there is no empirical CO2/Temperature dataset (a basic Scientific Method requirement) that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale.
For those that have not read my previous posts (links later in the thread), Measured temperatures have declined at a rate of 1.76 °C/century since 1973. The “Official” homogenized (i.e.: manipulated) temperature is magically rising at a rate of 1.35 °C /century. The temperature trend has been manipulated by 3.11 °C /century. Not likely justified and in the real world we experience measured not homogenized temperatures. In addition, maximum temperatures (1884 to the present) in Calgary have increased at the scorching rate of 0.02 °C /century (statistically insignificant). So, again, there is no climate emergency in Calgary.
Here is some easy math to think about. I will use 170 trillion dollars to keep the math simple. I have seen much higher numbers put out by the alarmist community, but we can stay conservative. This is what some might call a simple cost benefit analysis. If we assume that all the 2015 Paris Accord commitments are honoured through 2100 (that will not happen), the temperature reduction will be a whopping 0.17 °C (unmeasurable and well within the margin of error). That is 10 trillion dollars for every 100th of a degree. Or if we really want to get aggressive, we could spend a cool quadrillion dollars and keep the temperature in 2100 a full degree cooler than it might have been. If you want to set unrealistic goals, why not go all the way? There is no rationale justification to follow the unscientific, uneconomic premise that CO2 is the control knob on the climate. The NetZero, ESG, Green New Deal, Global Warming/Climate Change/Emergency/Next Scary Adjective are driven by ideology not science.
In case you have not noticed, the world is in disarray. A lot of those problems (the energy, food, inflation, supply chain and financial crises) are directly related to “Climate Change” policy (CO2 emission reduction) not climate change. We (our idiotological political leaders) have already wasted trillions on a problem that does not exist, a problem we cannot afford to fix even if it existed, and they still want to quadruple down. Our problems are only just starting. They are going to get progressively worse and climate change (cooling) will severely compound those problems. And our current political “leaders”, they will continue to keep their heads buried in the foot and a half of snow we just received, unless we the voters wake up and push back against them, and those who control them.

Tony Heller – Real Climate Tool
Tony Heller – Real Climate Tool (Part 5)
CSS-13 – A Look at Homogenization
CSS-19 – Calgary Homogenization
A few links to back up the discussion and give some perspective:
Open Letter/Addendum to Calgary City Council
CSS-13 – A Look at Homogenization
CSS-19 – Calgary – Homogenization
CSS-29 – Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2
OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015
OPS-52 – Solar Activity – NOAA Forecast
OPS-55 – The State of Climate Sciencehttps://climatechangeandmusic.com/the-state-of-climate-science/