The Hockey Stick Fix
OPPS-17 This post (although humorous) is still based on data and fact. Solar activity is expressed in the temperature data (both through (HadCRUT4) and pre-Modern Temperature Record (MTR, 1850 to the Present), Greenland GISP2 Ice Cores). CO2’s influence is virtually zero pre-MTR (hard to be an influencer when the atmospheric CO2 levels are virtually flat). And during the MTR, the bulk of the human influence had to have occurred post-1950 since 86%+ of human emissions occurred post 1950. But even post 1950, CO2 was not acting on its own. The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) played a significant role in rising temperatures from 1975 to the turn of the century. The strong ENSO ocean cycle (el Niños) played dominant warming roles in 1998, 2010, 2016, 2017 and 2020. And there was still a global temperature ‘PAUSE’ from 2002 – 2015. We are currently back into those ‘PAUSE’ global temperature ranges (, I do not suppose that ‘PAUSE’ would have anything to do with the gradually declining Total Solar Irradiance since the turn of the century (and its underlying solar forcings)?
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Those solar forcings and other non-CO2 temperature influences are discussed in more detail in some of my past posts (summarized below).
CSS-2 – Holocene Logic – CO2 Influence
CSS-4 – Holocene Logic – Milankovitch Cycles
CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas (a good place to start)
OPS-27 – Holocene Logic – Simplified
OPS-36 – Holocene Logic – Simplified 2
OPS-40 – UAH – Satellite Temperature Update (January 2021)
OPS-44 – Temperature Averaging Effects
OPS-51 – Late Holocene – CAGW CO2-Temperature
OPS-54 – CO2-Temperature Properly Scaled

OPS-49 – Temperature Manipulation
OPS-53 – Cherry-Picking – CAGW Style