With respect to “Climate Change”, this website and my contribution to the discussion focuses on the data. I have a standing request/challenge to anyone (scientist or not) to provide an empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Scientific proof requires empirical data. The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory does not have that empirical data (because that data does not exist).

One Page Political Summaries (OPPS)

  • Political Change in Canada
    OPPS-31 Note, this post is political, and statements made (that are not based on empirical data) are the opinion of the author. The two frontrunners in the race for Prime
  • Carbon Tax Revenue
    PSS-5 First and Foremost, Happy Father’s Day! This post is loaded with data, but I decided to put it out as a political post. In today’s world, you cannot get
  • Climate Change & Politicians
    OPPS-30 Is Climate Change political? The rhetoric and the propaganda most certainly are. But the data is as apolitical as you can get. Since we first started recording CO2 levels
  • Climate Change – “The Science”
    OPPS-29 There are three main components to “the science” used by the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist community to push their simplistic, unscientific narrative (effectively All CO2, All the
  • CO2 Ideology Does Not Drive the Climate
    OPPS-28 This is a political post, despite the abundant empirical data presented here. Do not get your nose out of joint by the size of the images. My CSS-53 CO2’s
  • A Single Event is NOT a Trend
    OPPS-27 Currently traveling right now, so I will keep this one short. The premise for this post is quite simple. Any single event or series of events within a single
  • “The Science”
    OPPS-26 How many times have you heard our illustrious “leaders” (political, media, academia, etc.) appeal to “The Science” to push their ideological pet projects forward. A nauseating amount in my
  • Catastrophic Global Warming Proofs II?
    OPPS-25 This post is just a remake of last week’s post (OPS-71 – Catastrophic Global Warming Proofs?). The data and structure have just been modified to reflect a more political
  • Globalist Chess
    OPPS-24 – Globalist Chess We are living through the most dangerous period since World War II (a pending WWIII in Ukraine notwithstanding). That danger began as a very innocuous push
  • Who is Justin Listening To?
    PSS-4 This is a political post. Any opinions presented are my own. You do not have to like them. You can agree or disagree, that is up to you not
  • PBO – Trudeau’s Business Acumen
    OPPS-23 This post is just an Addendum to my OPPS-22 – Parliamentary Budget Office post. I overlooked one small but important detail. If we (Canada) do nothing to stop “Climate
  • Parliamentary Budget Office – GDP & Climate Change
    OPPS-22 I focus on the empirical data (all the relevant empirical data) for a simple reason. Empirical Data is a basic requirement of the Scientific Method. Empirical data does not
  • The Earth Is Greening – Why?
    PSS-3 This Political Short Story (PSS) focuses on the question above. The answer is simple, yet terrifying to the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist community. Fair notice (despite the
  • Visualizing the Green Initiatives
    OPPS-21 There are some “problems” with our current “green” solutions and the people pushing them. I will let the lyrics and the visuals speak for themselves. My apologies for the
  • Why Are We Putting All Of Our Eggs In One Basket?
    OPPS-20 It has been a while since I put out a post that was more political than data based. For the record the data to back up these musings can
  • COVID-19 and Climate Change – Censoring the Experts
    OPPS-19 I would not normally follow up one post with another one this quickly, but I am thoroughly disgusted with what is happening with society right now and fearful of
  • Vaccine Passport Logic
    This post is definitely political. Any opinions are mine and are just that, opinions. I have concerns with the vaccinations, but I respect everyone’s right to choose the vaccine. I
  • The Hockey Stick Fix
    OPPS-17 This post (although humorous) is still based on data and fact. Solar activity is expressed in the temperature data (both through (HadCRUT4) and pre-Modern Temperature Record (MTR, 1850 to
  • IPCC AR6 Report Review
    OPPS-16 Despite the many references to data I use in this post, I have chosen to categorize the post as political. As such, any opinions expressed are mine alone (but
  • Fact Checking The CAGW Alarmists
    OPPS-15 Here is a set of three fact checks that can be applied to virtually every article and scientific paper that is put out by the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming
  • #delaythegreen
    OPPS-14 Our Canadian Federal Liberal Government finally put forward a budget. Not surprisingly, they have opted to continue spending recklessly on their idiotalogical pet projects rather than focusing on the
  • 2020 US Voting Irregularities
    OPPS-13 This One Page Political Summary will likely be considered controversial, but I am going to go there anyway. As with “Climate Change”, I will focus on the data. Now,
  • Chinese Influence
    OPPS-12 This One Page Summary focuses in on China’s influence on the world (primarily the USA). The upfront narrative I usually provide is available on my website (climatechangeandmusic.com). Given China’s
  • Canada-China CO2 Emissions Comparison
    PSS-2 This Political Short Story (PSS) compares CO2 emissions between Canada and China. Breaking down those emissions based on each country’s characteristics will provide some perspective. While both countries are
  • Justin’s New Carbon Tax
    OPPS-11 Here is a quick political hit to start the New Year. This post lays out a few of Justin’s more serious missteps and outright scandals. The post’s focus is
  • Re-Imagining the United States and Canada
    OPPS-10 This post is set up as a thought experiment and note any opinions in this post are my own. What can we do to stop the New World Order
  • Common Sense
    OPPS-9 I know it is a lot to ask but it certainly would be nice to see some common sense applied to our Federal Government decisions. Unfortunately, I do not
  • Canadian Deficits – November Update
    OPPS-8 This OPPS just updates my first OPPS on Justin Trudeau’s (JT’s) Federal Liberal budgetary incompetence. The references in this document are readily available (with links) on my website (climatechangeandmusic.com).
  • CAGW Implications
    OPPS-7 This discussion was placed in the political category because the post focuses on societal issues more than just data. The political and societal rhetoric gets ramped up every major
  • COVID-19 – September 2020 status
    PSS-1 The IPCC in its own documents has made things clear that the fight against “Global Warming” (then “Climate Change”) was not about the environment, it is about transferring wealth
  • Confessions of An Anthropogenic Global Warmist
    OPPS-6 This discussion was placed in the political category because the post itself had little in the way of data shown on the post. However, the post could just as
  • Computer Reliability
    OPPS-5 The COVID-19 pandemic is dominating the social and economic news across the entire globe (rightfully so).  As a result, Climate Change has been pushed into the background of the
  • Climate Change – 3 Pillars
    OPPS-4 The climate change discussion is divided into three main categories (scientific, economic and political). These 3 pillars are each important but are given various levels of importance depending on
  • Show Us the Data!
    OPPS-3 An open request for any “Anthropogenic Global Warming” alarmist (Justin Trudeau/Katherine McKenna and their scientific advisors included) to provide a CO2/Global Temperature data set that shows CO2 driving the
  • Reality Check
    OPPS-2 This is a bit of a political rant that focuses on the basic premise that there is no CO2/temperature dataset available that shows CO2driving the climate on any statistically
  • Lies or Incompetence?
    OPPS-1 As I sit here on Thanksgiving Sunday, I am thankful for all that has been given to me by the this great country of Canada (growing up in Saskatchewan,