PBO – Trudeau’s Business Acumen
OPPS-23 This post is just an Addendum to my OPPS-22 – Parliamentary Budget Office post. I overlooked one small but important detail. If we (Canada) do nothing to stop “Climate Change”, our PBO has shown that our GDP will be lower by $140 billion (6.6%) 80 years from now. That estimate assumes that we can maintain a GDP growth rate of 2 %/year. There is no guarantee that we can. So, in effect, we are committing hundreds of billions (probably trillions) to save $140 billion. But the absurdity does not stop there. Again, as laid out by the PBO, those billions/trillions our governments are proposing will only improve Canada’s GDP position by $17 billion (0.8%). The difference between full Paris Accord commitments (a 5.8% GDP reduction, 80 years from now) and doing nothing (a 6.6% GDP reduction).
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Canada’s “illustrious leader” has said very clearly that he could see no business case for LNG to help Germany (and/or Europe in general) through the very real energy crisis they are facing now and over the next few years. Strange, how so many other countries were able to immediately step up and make that business case. Am I surprised? No. Justin and in my opinion, his UN/WEF handlers were also responsible for selling all of Canada’s gold reserves in 2015. We still have zero gold reserves as of today, while other nations around the planet have boosted their reserves significantly. This government forecasted back in 2015 that our yearly budget deficits would be less than $10 billion and we would have a balanced budget by 2019. That did not happen. Yearly budget deficits were closer to $20 billion, and that balanced budget thing is no longer even in the federal government’s vocabulary. And then COVID-19 hit. So, what was Justin’s response to the COVID-19 problem? The largest budget deficit in the G20 countries.
The people running our country do not understand economics or they have been, are and will apparently continue to actively sabotage our children’s future with unnecessary, oppressive debt. As the PBO has shown, Canada will be spending hundreds of billions (most likely trillions) to increase our GDP by somewhere around $17 billion, 80 years from now. Looks economic to me. NOT! And for what? The temperature reduction in 2100 will be roughly 0.17 °C (using IPCC “science” and full compliance from every country around the world (yeah, that is going to happen)). Based on the unrealistically wild global “green” expenditure estimates/commitments (2 to 4 trillion dollars/year), we will be spending $10 trillion dollars (or more) for every 1/100th of a degree we reduce temperatures in 2100 (the easy math, $170 trillion dollars to get a 0.17 °C reduction). Canada’s share of that temperature reduction is a whopping 0.0034 °C (using an aggressive 2% share). In what reality does it make sense for Canada to spend hundreds of billions (very likely trillions) of taxpayer dollars for an unmeasurable, unconfirmable temperature reduction that will disappear within a few years (i.e.: temperatures do not stop rising in 2100 (based on their models))?
Given that these temperature reduction estimates are based on models that self-admittedly run too hot and use emission scenarios (like RCP8.5) that the IPCC has declared implausible, the real temperature reductions will be even less than 0.17 °C (globally) and 0.0034 °C (Canada) stated above. Justin, you constantly insist you “follow the science”. Maybe you should consider following your economists as well. You might also want to consider getting some new scientists. As mentioned earlier, the IPCC modelers have self-acknowledged that their models “run way too hot” (OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science). In case you are not aware, your Canadian scientists/modelers set the high-end standard for running way too hot. Their model projections are totally out to lunch (CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models). We need to stop this senseless, ideological fixation on CO2 (a basic, indispensable building to life, as important as H2O and O2). We have real problems in the real world that need to be addressed. Fixing perceived problems in the virtual reality created by the IPCC’s flawed computers is a waste of time and money and ultimately dangerous to the future of our children (in the real world).

Canadian Gold Reserve History – Sott.net
Canada’s Current Gold Reserve Status
OPPS-22 – The Parliamentary Budget Office – GDP & Climate Change
Here are some links that provide some additional discussion, back-up, and perspective on the points discussed above.
Climate Short Story (CSS)
CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models
One Page Summary (OPS)
OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015
One Page Political Summary (OPPS)
OPPS-1 – Lies or Incompetence?
OPPS-8 – Canadian Deficits – November 2020 Update
OPPS-9 – Common Sense
OPPS-11 – Justin’s New Carbon Tax
OPPS-14 – #delaythegreen
OPPS-22 – Parliamentary Budget Office – GDP and Climate Change