Modeling Over the Holocene
CSS-43 This post is an add-on to my last post (CSS-42 – The Role of the Sun – Scafetta 2023). CSS-42 focused more on development of Scafetta’s solar activity/forcing reconstructions and how they compare to other solar activity reconstructions. A bit dry, I know. My apologies. The takeaway from this post should be how useless the IPCC models are.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
A model programmed to respond almost exclusively to Anthropogenic forcings (primarily CO2) can simply not recreate the very obvious temperature fluctuations that still exist over the pre-MTR Holocene despite a virtually flat CO2. That model cannot account for local but globally important regions such as Greenland where the temperature influence is dominated by natural forcings (AMO primarily and solar activity), not CO2. Fairly important, given that 10% of the planet’s ice resides there and the temperatures have only been rising at ±1 °C/century. The other roughly 90% is in Antarctica where the average temperature is -57 °C (with an insignificant historical warming of just 0.13 °C/century). And most importantly, the model’s future projections are useless, since most of the natural forcings (past, present, and future) have been ignored. The post also shows the temperatures over the last 170 years can be modeled without CO2. Not surprising, since there are no empirical CO2/Temperature datasets that show CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale (a very basic Scientific Method requirement).
Our political leaders rely on these models to justify their insane, dangerous policies. Models that are self acknowledged to run too hot and use emission scenarios that are highly unlikely to implausible. Sadly, they keep following “the science” and we keep paying for it (financially, societally, and environmentally) with no net cost benefit gain. Using their science, the temperature rise will be reduced by just 0.17 °C (80 years from now). Unmeasurable and temporary (i.e.: temperatures in the model are still rising). How much is that worth? In my opinion, CO2 emission reductions are worthless and will only compound the real-world problems (energy, financial, food, supply chain, conflict crises, etc.) we are already experiencing. We are forcing a horrendous burden on our children’s future. For that to change, we need leadership that thinks for themselves and the people they represent. Leadership that is not beholding to ENGOs, and globalist organizations like the UN/WEF (and their totalitarian agendas). You, the voter can drive that change. Look at the data, not the “narrative”!

Scafetta 2023 – Empirical assessment of the role of the Sun in climate change using balanced multi-proxy solar records

OPS-8 – Basic Climate Model

CSS-16 – Central England Temperature Model
CSS-29 – Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2

CSS-23 – Greenland-Iceland – Homogenization
CSS-26 – Greenland-Iceland – AMO-PDO-CO2 Distribution
OPS-65 – CO2-Temperature Extrapolations
For more perspective and more detailed analysis, you can check out some of the following posts.
Nicolas Scafetta (June 2023) – Empirical assessment of the role of the Sun in climate change using balanced multi-proxy solar records
Open Letter Addendum
University of Chicago – MODTRAN Model
Climate Short Story (CSS)
CSS-29 – Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2
CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models
CSS-42 – The Role of the Sun – Scafetta 2023
One Page Summary (OPS)
OPS-8 – Basic Climate Model
OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science
OPS-65 – CO2-Temperature Extrapolations
OPS-68 – Climate Change – Quick Hits
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