Hurricane Update – 2020 Season
OPS-46 The 2020 North Atlantic Hurricane season was busier than normal but was not statistically significant. Especially since the North Atlantic does not represent the global situation. Funny how the mainstream media only reports on the one minor area of the world where storm and hurricane activity has increased. Globally the trend of tropical storms and hurricanes have both been down for decades. Global storms have been dropping at a rate of 49 per century (despite the North Atlantic’s 7 per century increase). The story is the same for hurricanes (Globally – decreasing at 28 per century versus the North Atlantic’s modest 2.8 per century increase). Is Global Warming (let alone CO2) leading to more storms/hurricanes? NO, the data says otherwise.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
This post does not change the hurricane story laid out in previous posts at all. And next year’s summary will not bring about any significant changes to the current trends. However, over the next few years/decades, we will likely see an increase in the global storm/hurricane activity. But not because of CO2 or “Global Warming”. As we drop further into the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) we just entered, global temperatures will drop significantly. With an increased temperature differential between the polar and equatorial regions, the potential for more storm/hurricane activity will rise. The strength of the GSM will determine the temperature drop magnitude and storm activity levels. Just out of curiosity I plotted the UAH Satellite Lower Troposphere temperature data against the number of Tropical storms. Interesting how they tend to move in opposite directions.

IPCC AR5 – Synthesis Report
OPS-32 – Hurricane Update – August 2020
OPS-40 – UAH – January 2021 Update