Green Apocalypse
OPS-30 There are several avenues of discussion that can be applied to “Climate Change”. Primarily Science and Economics (with the environment and politics intertwined within the two).
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
My focus has been on the science. Focusing on the empirical data and highlighting the obvious inadequacies (summarized below) of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist theory.
- There is no empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale.
- The CAGW alarmist crowd has arbitrarily chosen to ignore most of the solar forcing options (high energy particles, cosmic rays, solar wind, etc.) by focussing on the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI, a small portion of the solar forcings) and despite the obvious solar fingerprints in the historical (empirical) data.
- The CAGW alarmist crowd tends to focus on the Modern Temperature Record (MTR, 1750 – Present). News Flash – Climate Change did not start in 1750.
- The CAGW alarmist crowd uses the very manipulated (“homogenized”) surface temperature data sets and generally ignores the more accurate satellite data sets.
- The CAGW alarmist crowd uses unsubstantiated computer models to “prove” their theory. Computer models are proof of absolutely nothing. Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO).
- The CAGW alarmist crowd also glosses over the very real environmental concerns associated with wind and solar (the destruction of natural habitat, the impact on birds, bats and insects, the CO2 emissions associated with developing these renewable energies, the damage (environmental and societal) associated with rare earth mineral extraction, the disposal of spent solar panels, wind turbines and batteries, the medical issues (damaging sonic harmonics, ground water disruption) associated with wind turbines, etc.).
- The CAGW alarmist crowd ignores the only real economic solution to solving CO2 emissions, nuclear. That assumes CO2 emissions are really a problem that needs to be solved. Michael Shellenberger (featured here) has come to that reasoning and has founded the pro-nuclear Environmental Progress group. The spokesperson (Zion Lights) for Extinction Rebellion (an overly radical environmental group) recently defected to Environmental Progress.
The other focus is the economic implications which I do occasionally address in my discussion. What the environmentalists in this OPS have realized is the economic insanity and environmental realities of the fight against CO2 emissions (even if you believe in the IPCC science). Reducing human CO2 emissions will have little effect on future temperatures without exorbitant expenditures that will cripple the world economy and lead to real environmental problems. When the economy crashes, the general population will be focussed on finding food and shelter to keep their families alive. They will not be spending whatever little bit of currency they have left on environmental issues.
Policy comes out of the economic and scientific discussions. Unfortunately, Policy effectiveness is dependent on what data is cherry picked from those discussions. The science discussion is routinely shut down at the political and media levels (despite its importance). The economic discussion (which ties into the environmental implications) will be the driver that leads to the Green Apocalypse (the end of the obsessive fight against CO2 emissions and the restructuring of the renewable industry to reflect reality). The defections from radical to reality have begun.
Regardless, the current policies do not address CO2 emissions effectively. They simply move the emissions to other jurisdictions. For example, shutting in Canada’s hydrocarbon industry will not reduce CO2 emissions globally, they will increase CO2 emissions since other jurisdictions have lower emission, environmental and societal standards than Canada. We would also have to rely on imported hydrocarbons which again means more emissions.