Forest Fire Discussion
OPS-28 We are getting close to the northern hemisphere fire season again and you can be almost certain that the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd will be back with their apocalyptic “Climate Change” message. That nasty little CO2 molecule is causing more and more extreme fires (or so you are led to believe). But why does that “truth” NOT show up in the historical data. The opposite is the truth. There is no significant correlation between CO2 and Forest Fires.
The number of fires has been declining for several decades in both Canada and the USA. The Acreage burned in the USA has been relatively flat for the last two decades (at much lower levels than those that were common in the 1930s and 40s). In Canada, the acreage burned has been gradually increasing, but the readily available data has been cut off at 1950. A great way to ignore history that does not support the narrative. The Dust Bowl years of the 30s and 40s were just as hot and dry in Canada as they were in the USA. That move is not surprising, given that our ideologically (not scientifically) driven Federal Government did the same thing with our historical temperatures. Any measured Canadian temperatures prior to 1950 are no longer considered reliable by our Canadian Federal Government. That implies the record temperatures and drought of the Dust Bowl did not actually exist.
People need to start thinking for themselves. This CAGW “Climate Change” BS is killing our economies (prior to COVID-19) and ignores the real Climate Change threats that are right in front of us. The sun is going into a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) and the temperatures will drop. Historically, these GSM temperature drops are catastrophic, leading to cold weather crop losses (shorter growing seasons, more precipitation (snow and water), more crop disease, more cloud cover (less solar growth assistance) which leads to widespread starvation, disease and civil strife. All in the next decade or two. I personally am more worried about the near term Climate Change threat (the GSM) than the potential “Climate Change” threat (80 years from now) that the CAGW alarmist crowd wants to spend trillions of dollars yearly of our tax payer money on. A threat that they have no empirical data to backstop their idiotic theories with. Prove me wrong. Anyone is welcome to put forward a CO2/temperature empirical data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. DOESN’T EXIST!!!

Canadian National Fire Database
Fire Statistics – US