Fact Checking The CAGW Alarmists
OPPS-15 Here is a set of three fact checks that can be applied to virtually every article and scientific paper that is put out by the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) community. Every forecast (computer generated or not) is subject to Fact Check #1. Every discussion based on CO2 emissions is subject to Fact Check #2. And every Scientific document is subject to Fact Check #3 (the opinion pieces get a break on #3, but not on #1 and #2). The “climate change” information posted on social media, the major news/print networks, etc. generally involves all three fact checks. Please feel free to use these Fact Checks with enthusiasm.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Notwithstanding the base problems outlined above, the CAGW alarmists are subject to many more specific Fact Checks that deal with the detail in the documents they post. A few off the top of my head are listed below. A couple of links are attached but there are many more posts on my website that deal with these subjects (and many others).
Computers have been programmed to use only Total Solar Irradiance (TSI, one of the least important solar forcings). OPS-22 – Computer Models – Real Simple (other options with more detail, OPS-19 and OPS-20)
Computers have been programmed to apply an unsubstantiated positive water vapor feedback to the theoretical CO2 Climate Sensitivity (CCS). The only way they can get their “catastrophic temperatures”. CSS-3 – CO2-Sensitivity
The theoretical CCS is no where close to settled science, ranging anywhere from near zero (assuming the CO2’s narrow absorption band is saturated) to the upper level of the 1.5 to 4.5 °C IPCC range. CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas
The surface temperature data presented by the CAGW alarmist crowd is highly manipulated (a process called homogenization). Each data set has their own homogenization process, none of which that make their algorithms transparent. OPS-49 – Temperature Manipulation
The computer models consistently run hot. They are unable to model the Lower Tropospheric Temperature accurately. Temperatures that have been extensively measured (not homogenized) through a variety of satellite and radiosonde (weather balloon) methods. CSS-6 – John Christy – January 2021 (my review of Dr. Christy’s presentation)

Scientific Method – Brittanica
IPCC – Climate System Statement