Earth Day 2021
Note: The images (CSS-8c, 8e and 8f) have been updated to correct the temperature designation from C to F.
CSS-8 Earth Day, was set up in 1970 with this stated mandate, “EARTHDAY.ORG’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide.” It is a day to reflect on our role in the planet’s health. Unfortunately, that mission has been intentionally corrupted by the CAGW alarmist narrative. “Climate Change” (as it relates to a perceived “Global Warming” threat), is not an emergency, not an existential threat and a distraction from the real economic, social and physical threats that our society and this planet are facing. Conversely, Climate Change (as it relates to the historical/empirical data), is a real existential threat. The planet is not burning up on this Earth Day 2021. The cooling temperatures we are already experiencing will be compounded further as we move deeper into the Modern Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) over the next couple of decades. Cool weather crop related losses will rise dramatically, leading to food shortages, widespread starvation and civil strife. On this Earth Day, contemplate the benefits of continuing to waste billions/trillions of dollars on reducing emissions of a non-toxic, trace gas that is near historically dangerous lows and is absolutely essential for life on the planet and the stupidity of ignoring the real threat of cooling during a GSM!! I, personally prefer the beneficial warming and fertilization effect of CO2 increases.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
This Climate Short Story looks at the temperature manipulation the CAGW alarmists use to exaggerate the real, normal, safe and beneficial warming we have experienced as temperatures IMPROVED from the cold of the Little Ice Age (LIA). In the CAGW alarmist reality, we are experiencing the warmest years EVER. That viewpoint conveniently ignores the much warmer periods of the Holocene Optimum and the Minoan, Roman and Medieval Warm Periods. Where the temperatures were warm enough for the Vikings to live/farm in Greenland, warm enough for forests to grow where glaciers are currently receding and warm enough for an Arctic free of ice, etc. In the CAGW alarmist virtual reality, further CO2 increases will lead to catastrophic temperature increases. That viewpoint conveniently ignores the role solar activity plays and unscientifically exaggerates CO2’s role. Ignores and exaggerates are the two key words used in this paragraph. CAGW alarmists conveniently ignore data that does not fit their narrative and routinely exaggerate the historical data (homogenization) and computer-generated temperature scenarios (to the point of outright lying in many cases). I am not going to go into any more detail in this CSS, but all these points have been covered on my website (
The CAGW alarmists say they are using the science to justify their ridiculous narrative. Well for their narrative to be scientific, they need to provide an empirical CO2/temperature dataset showing CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. THAT DATASET DOES NOT EXIST. Conversely, empirical data showing solar activity (directly and indirectly) driving the climate is evident on a wide variety of statistically significant historical time scales. So, is CO2 (a trace gas in the atmosphere with no scientific backing) or the sun (the source of 99.9%+ of the energy reaching the earth and extensive scientific backing) the primary climate driver? Not a trick question!!!

Climate Reanalyzer
Dr. Roy Spencer – UAH Temperatures
CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas
OPS-40 – UAH – January 2021 Update

Sea Ice Interactive Charts
DMI – Sea Ice Volume
OPS-22 – Computer Models – Real Simple

Earth Day Madness – Tony Heller
Tony Heller –
OPS-47 – Fact Checks – Scientific Method

NOAA US Climate Normals

Earth Day Madness – Tony Heller
Temperature data –

NOAA US Climate Normals
US 2018 – Fourth National Climate Assessment
Earth Day Madness – Tony Heller
Tony Heller –
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