Chinese Influence
OPPS-12 This One Page Summary focuses in on China’s influence on the world (primarily the USA). The upfront narrative I usually provide is available on my website ( Given China’s influence I prefer not to easily open myself up to censorship on this post.
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
Having had a day or two to mull over the results of the US Senate/Congress Confirmation process does not leave me with much hope for a prosperous, safe future. Whether you believe there was voter/election fraud in the US election is irrelevant. The battleground state objections brought up by the Republican Congresspersons and Senators (and the state legislatures of those states) should have been addressed. Very simply the voting irregularities should have been addressed officially within a few weeks of the November 3rd, 2020 election. Those extensive voting irregularities were laid out in a series of state senate meetings and they would have easily overturned the “official” results. And that is without getting into the computer voting statistical anomalies.
In a functioning democracy/republic, those irregularities would have been dealt with in a court of law or an official judicial/political “bipartisan” commission. The many lawsuits filed to review the process in a transparent, legal environment would not have been dismissed on technical/procedural grounds. The end result, the US electoral process has devolved into a completely untrustworthy farce.
But I am not making this post to rehash the US 2020 election. The focus here is on China. Interestingly, the “results” of the US election have made their 100-year plan for World Domination that much easier. Their “Manchurian Candidate”, Joe Biden, appears to be set to take the throne on January 20th, 2020. That is a scary scenario, given the Biden (including “the Big Guy”) family’s extensive (and questionable) financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Ties that are under Federal investigation. And for those who are unaware of Hunter Biden’s laptop contents, you should do some research.
China’s influence does not stop at the Bidens. They have invested extensive capital and human resources cultivating influence in virtually all areas of North American society (i.e.: political, academia, media, entertainment, big tech, financial, etc.). They have spent decades seeding that influence both in the US and around the world. And nowhere is that influence more pronounced than in the United Nations.
China is the model for the UN’s “Great Reset”, Agenda 21 and 2030, etc. These UN New World Order Globalist (UNNWOG) initiatives are already being implemented and are openly being accelerated using the Great Reset’s plotline. China has been and will continue to be steering the UNNWOG implementation. You do not have to look much further than the CCP inspired Big Tech’s accelerated censorship on conservative platforms. Censorship based on a different political (or scientific) perspective, not based on hate speech or criminal intent. That censorship will accelerate under a Xi Jinping (I mean Biden) administration. For the record, I am not giving our cheerleader in chief, Justin Trudeau a pass. Justin needs to get his head out of Gerald Butt’s (I mean the sand), put his idiotalogical, global pet projects on hold and focus on the real problems Canadian citizens are facing.
Happy New Year to you all, 1984 (I mean 2021) will be a transformational year. Sadly, that transformation will take us several steps closer to the UN’s unelected, unaccountable (and corrupt, in my opinion) One World Government.

Chinese Communist Party Infiltration List
China’s Grand Plan
Swalwell is the Tip of the Chinese Infiltration Iceberg
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China’s Road and Belt Initiative
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