2020 US Voting Irregularities
OPPS-13 This One Page Political Summary will likely be considered controversial, but I am going to go there anyway. As with “Climate Change”, I will focus on the data. Now, has a significant volume of data been validated in a Court of Law? No, but in the couple of cases (New Hampshire and Antrim County (Michigan)) where the courts did see some data, there were serious issues with the machine counts. Antrim County was overturned and in New Hampshire, the Republican candidates were all shorted 300 votes (i.e.: not just the Presidential ticket). Does that prove that the irregularities are widespread? No, but as the post shows the potential voting irregularities (laid out in the State Senate Hearings in the six swing states) was easily more than enough to overturn the Presidential results. And that does not include the voting machine irregularities.
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
I am not declaring that Election Results should be overturned. And neither were the senators (like Cruz and Hawley). They were asking for an independent audit of the election results in the battleground states. Well within their rights and consistent with the Democrats tendency to dispute any close election that does not go their way. Case in point, they (the Democrats) still have not accepted the 2016 election results.
Was there widespread voter fraud? Certainly, looks like there might have been, but proof still requires a review of the irregularities in a fair and detailed audit through the judicial system or a truly bipartisan political commission. But as shown, the voter fraud did not have to be widespread. Based on less than 90,000 votes, the Republicans could have had control of the White House, Congress and the Senate. In my opinion, the necessary audits (not just a recount) could have easily been completed before the end of November 2020. That should have and still needs to be done.
Is this post political? Yes, but my discussion would have been the same if the left/right roles were reversed. My interest in US politics stems from the influential role the US plays in “Climate Change”. Republicans use the science (you know data and facts, not feelings and computer models). Democrats use their pseudoscience and call it “science”. “Climate Change” is a real existential threat. But the mild warming that CO2 might provide is not dangerous and has been and will continue to be beneficial. The real threat will come from the declining temperatures we will endure as we move further into the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM). How devastating those temperature drops will be depends on the depths those temperatures drop to. Based on historical GSMs, there will be serious issues.
But the real existential threat will come from the economic suicide that is being pushed by the idiotological “Green” Agendas coming out of the UN and their political puppets. Like Trump or not, he made the right call by pulling out of the Paris Accord. He did not do so bad on the economy either, where “African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows” (prior to the lockdowns) and the markets continually reaching all time highs (even with the COVID-19 disruptions). To be fair, Trump was only able to get women’s unemployment down to just a 70-year low. On the Foreign Affairs file, you would think that the brokered Peace Deals between Israel and UAE/Bahrain/Morocco/Sudan, the ISIS beatdown or the de-escalation in North Korea might be considered a good thing. Getting the other NATO parties to start paying their own way might also be considered a positive for the US. On the home front, some would think that things like a ±80% drop in “ILLEGAL” immigration, tax reduction, government deregulation, etc. might be good things. The official Whitehouse accomplishment list (the full 26 pages) can be accessed in the Whitehouse archives.
Biden (or more accurately, the people pulling his strings) has been and will continue to destroy those gains. They will be doing their best to clear the path for the UN’s unelected, unaccountable (corrupt) Totalitarian One World Government. Through “Global Warming” and “Climate Change (or Disruption/Emergency/Crisis/Latest Devastating Descriptor) they have pushed their Agendas (21/2030) slowly over the last several decades. Trump threw a 4-year wrench into their plans and they are now using the “Great Reset”/COVID-19 to accelerate their plans and make up for the delays.
Biden’s apparent “Open Border” Policy is a particularly hypocritical move. The two biggest threats facing the US right now (according to Biden and his handlers) are the COVID-19 crisis and “Climate Change”. Open Borders directly exasperate both those situations. Allowing millions of uneducated “illegal” immigrants to cross the border, is not the smartest move when the world is still dealing with a global pandemic and the more devastating financial fallout. The smarter option would be to temporarily close immigration entirely, allow your own citizens to find jobs, beat back the pandemic, stabilize the economy, then identify areas where targeted (and dare I say legal) immigration is required. Under the current Open Border option, the American citizens that are going to get hurt the worst, are the poor (primarily minorities). The caravans currently amassing at the southern US borders are direct competition for the few available jobs that those poor currently have access to. Almost looks like Open Borders targets those minorities and could be labelled racist.
The Open Borders option also targets women and children. The cartels control the Mexican side of the border and make a lot of money off “illegal” immigration. I am guessing that the cartels have not set up their COVID-19 testing centers nor as far as I know, have they adopted any official interpersonal workplace guidelines. Many people die trying to cross the border illegally and the women and children are disproportionately subject to a wide array of violence (including rape). That blood and terror is on the architects of those Open Border policies. Some might say those policies lack any human compassion and might even be misogynistic.
Every new illegal immigrant is a drain on the financial system in a worldwide pandemic scenario. The jobs are not available for them and most will end up in the social support systems (already stretched thin trying to help their own distressed citizens).
The “Climate Change” front is just as hypocritical. The carbon footprint of a US resident (citizen or not) is significantly higher than any third world country. Immigration (legal or not) will lead to higher CO2 emissions. As such, an Open Border policy directly contradicts “Climate Change” policy. For the record, I am fully in favour of legal immigration and justified asylum scenarios (regardless of the source country). My OPPS-7 – CAGW Implications post delved a bit further into the societal implications of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist narrative.
“Climate Change” is not settled science and the self-appointed big tech fact checkers should address that reality. There is no empirical CO2/Temperature data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale (a basic unfilled scientific requirement to move the CAGW alarmist narrative away from a religious belief). The Bidens and Trudeaus of this world are lying when they say they follow the science. “Climate Change” is not the only topic that last statement applies to.
Biden (China’s Manchurian candidate) will push the Globalist agendas forward and quickly. He will enable idiots like Canada’s UN cheerleader in chief to destroy the western economies (the US included). Our children’s and grandchildren’s futures are hanging in the balance.

Republicans come within 90,000 Votes – Washington Post
Episode 1454 – The Dan Bongino Show
State Senate Hearing – Georgia
State Senate Hearing – Arizona
State Senate Hearing – Pennsylvania
State Senate Hearing – Michigan
State Senate Hearing – Michigan Day 2
State Senate Hearing – Wisconsin
Senate Hearing – Federal
Virginia – Late Election Law Changes Were Illegal
Michigan – Antrim County Voting Equipment Forensic Audit
New Hampshire – Hand Recount Shows Dominion Machines Shorted Republicans by 300 Votes
Voter Fraud Never Happens (Except in These 10,000 cases) – TownHall
Voter Fraud Watch – Texas Woman Arrested -TownHall