University of Alabama – Huntsville – January 2021 Update
OPS-40 I had updated the UAH Temperature Anomaly (TA) as of November 2020. The UAH update is now using a new Baseline (1991 – 2020). The change from (1981 – 2010) does not change the Temperature Anomaly trends, but the new values are roughly 0.12 °C lower. For example, the TA for December 2020 was +0.27 °C and is now down to +0.15 °C.
#climatechange #globalwarming #showusthedata
Two interesting points are worth mentioning that were not present in the November 2020 update. The 2020 full year is now available. And despite the cries of “WARMEST YEAR EVER”, NO, it was not. 2020 was the third warmest year in the UAH satellite data. But we need to remember that the global temperatures have been much higher through most of the earth’s history. Most notably and recently, the Medieval, Roman, Minoan and Holocene Climate Optimums. They were called Climate Optimums for a reason. Humans flourished under the warmer conditions. Conversely, the cooler periods (the Greek Dark Ages, the Dark Ages, the Little Ice Age (LIA)) were not kind to humanity. I for one am very thankful that we have warmed up out of the LIA (a period where solar activity was at its lowest point in the last 7,000 years). That warming occurred as solar activity rose to its highest level in 7,000 years. Just coincidence I am sure. Refer to my Holocene Logic posts (start with CSS-1) for more detail.
The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist crowd likes to attribute all the Modern Temperature Record (MTR, 1850 to the Present) warming to CO2. However, they will not bother to mention that 86.3% of mankind’s CO2 emissions occurred post-1950 but roughly half of the MTR temperature rise occurred pre-1950. They also will not mention that ocean cycles can easily overpower the modest warming that CO2 might provide. For example, temperatures dropped from 1945 to 1975 and the “Pause” was associated with flat temperatures over the 2002 to 2015 time-period despite rising CO2 levels. It is important to note that many ocean cycles while they cycle up and down significantly (over shorter periods), the longer-term trends are not as dramatic. But they can also be dramatic in less common scenarios. For instance, if the Gulf Stream were terminated, there would be drastic changes to climate in the Northern Hemisphere. The Beaufort Gyre is another severe climate disruption that may trigger a deep ice age. Refer to OPS-39 (Consolidated Ocean Cycle Indexes) for more detail.
The second interesting point is the sharp drop in temperature over the last few months. The drop is primarily due to the ENSO cycle turning cold (i.e.: La Niña). Again, showing how easily nature can overwhelm whatever warming CO2 may be contributing. Now layer on the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO, just heading into its 30-year cold phase) and the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM, a period of severe cooling over the next few decades). Those factors alone put the planet in serious peril as cold weather crop losses begin to mount. Throw in some large volcanic eruptions (common during a GSM) and Bill Gates’ idiotic sun dimming proposals and we will be facing a true existential Climate Change Emergency.
I really hope that the general public starts waking up to the very real primary existential threat that “Climate Change” presents. There is the physical threat (solar cooling, not CO2 warming) but the far more serious threat is the political/economic damage that the CAGW alarmist view of “Climate Change” entails. The fear porn pushed out by the CAGW alarmist crowd is just the catalyst for the UN/Globalist push for an unelected, unaccountable, corrupt, totalitarian One World Government using the Great Reset, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and the rest of the useless UN entities/programs. The slow crawl to world communism is being replaced by a much more aggressive push. WAKE UP!

CSS-5 – Snow and Ice – September 2020
OPS-37 – UAH – Temperature Anomaly – November 2020 Update