Solar Flares and CMEs
CSS-36 “Climate Change” is an existential threat. Is that statement true? Well, that depends on your definition of “Climate Change”. If you follow/believe/worship the simplistic, unscientific Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming CAGW alarmist “Climate Change” narrative, then no, the statement is not true. CO2’s capacity to warm the planet is reaching its saturation point and will not lead to dangerous temperature levels. Justification for that statement can be found in my CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS Greenhouse Gas and OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science posts (among others)). This post highlights the real existential threats from “Climate Change” in the real world. Take note, this is not a feel-good post. We are/will be facing real problems and they are in general being ignored (and sadly promoted) by our political elite, with society as a whole buying into their idiotological policy initiatives. You (the voters) need to wake up, on masse and access your common sense.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
“Climate Change” is far more encompassing than the unsubstantiated CAGW alarmist narrative. And that narrative will remain unsubstantiated until someone (scientist or otherwise) puts forward an empirical CO2/Temperature dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Empirical data is a basic requirement of the Scientific Method. Unfortunately for the CAGW alarmist narrative, that dataset does not exist. Solar activity (direct and/or indirect (galactic position, orbital perturbations, ocean cycles, Cosmic Ray Flux (CRF), etc.) on the other hand, has its fingerprints visible throughout the historical data on a wide variety of time scales/cycles. The following three presentations provide an intelligent and interesting perspective on both the short and long-term solar influences.
- Dr. Henrik Svensmark – Global Warming & Solar Flares – A focus on Cosmic Ray Flux
- Dr. Ian Plimer – A Geologist’s View of Climate Change – A very comprehensive review
- Tom Gallagher – Paleoclimatology Part 1 – A focus on the Cenozoic and tectonics
Those presentations cover the general “Climate Change” history quite well and no, CO2 is not a major driver in that history. What they do not get into is the real existential threats that we may be facing over the next few decades. And there are a few of them (just not CO2 emissions/warming). The starting point is the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) that we are just entering. Total Solar Irradiance Momentum (TSIM, the 20 Year Moving Average) has declined slightly since the turn of the century but is expected to drop dramatically in Solar Cycle 26 (CSS-29 – Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2). When the TSIM (i.e.: solar activity) drops, solar wind strength decreases allowing the CRF to rise leading to more cloud cover and lower temperatures. The cold temperatures and the societal hardships of the Little Ice Age did not happen accidentally. A series of deep solar minimums (the Wolf, Spörer, Maunder and Dalton Minimums) led to cold temperatures, shorter growing seasons, widespread starvation, poor health and wide spread civil strife. Cold kills many more people than heat. And unfortunately, many people, living in traditionally warm areas have already died in recent cold spells (Texas 2021, California 2023).
We are already experiencing food shortages and those shortages will become critical in the near future, leading to massive starvation in poorer countries. Our “leadership” is not helping that situation with their current idiotological pushes to limit fertilizer availability, farmland access, energy security and financial stability. This particular existential threat (“Climate Change” driven policy) is preventable, but not under our current “leadership”. The existential threat that colder temperatures bring is unfortunately not preventable. And unfortunately, the GSM is just one component driving temperatures lower. The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) has a significant impact on global temperatures and has just started descending into its 30 year cooling phase. If only the cooling options stopped with just the GSM and the AMO. The Beaufort Gyre (a large reservoir of cold, fresh water in the Arctic) is set to release into the North Atlantic and trigger deeper cold. Also, the various components of the Milankovitch Cycles are still headed colder (but slowly).
But the underlying problem that no one is talking about is our weakening magnetic field. As our magnetic fields weaken, the CRF increases, compounding the increased CRF associated with the GSM (again, more cooling). Volcanic activity commonly increases during GSMs (leading to well documented aerosol cooling) and is very likely enhanced under weaker magnetic field scenarios. Combine all these cold triggers and we are very likely facing a severe existential “Climate Change” threat. One our “leaders” are foolishly choosing to ignore. There are ways to adapt to the coming cold but as a society that will not happen with our current “leadership”.
The existential threats mentioned so far are real and will very likely be devastating but there are ways to adapt and/or minimize the damage. The existential threat that scares me is a large Solar Flare/CME impact in our continually weakening magnetic field situation (or in the current societal environment, an EMP attack). A direct hit from a Carrington sized Solar Flare/CME could render our electrical grid useless. Now that is a real “Grade A” existential threat and one more threat that our “leadership” is ignoring. We can, in general, survive the climate effects of a large Solar Flare/CME. The energy infusion will (as it has in the past, 1859, 1921, 2012, etc.) temporarily increase global temperatures (not a major problem). Our struggle will come from the virtually permanent loss of our access to electricity. The protection fossil fuels have provided us over the last century will almost instantly disappear and we will be subject to the normal vagaries of climate (those we currently take for granted) that Mother Nature regularly throws at us. Again, cold kills much more effectively that heat. Can you survive a Canadian winter without electricity?
The CAGW alarmist crowd just continues to push their front end loaded CO2 computer models (that self admittedly run too hot and use implausible emission scenarios, CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models). They continually ignore the very real effects that solar activity, through a variety of complex cycles and spontaneous events, has had and will continue to have on our planet’s climate. We have had the luxury of living through a relatively benign, pleasant period in earth’s climate history. That is very likely about to change (as temperatures drop over the next few decades) and we are not prepared for it. Can we get prepare for it? Yes, at least in part. But not in the current ideological, political environment.
We should be delaying unnecessary green initiatives (like wind, solar, electric vehicles, NetZero, ESG, Carbon Capture, etc.) until we fix our current fiscal/societal problems and harden our electrical grids. And yes, they are unnecessary. The proposed hundreds of trillions of dollars of green spending will reduce the temperature growth by a measly, unmeasurable 0.17 °C in 2100 using the CAGW alarmist “science”. Even that 0.17 °C temperature reduction is fleeting. That temperature reduction disappears within a few years. We cannot stop “Climate Change” (warming or cooling)! We need to adapt and stop wasting money on a natural process we cannot hope to control and focus those financial resources on the real problems we are facing.

Real Climate Science – 1859 Extreme Weather
Real Climate Science – 1921 Heatwave
Real Climate Science – 1921 Heat Wave Video – Esquimos Threw Away Their Furs
Climate Change and the 1991-2020 U.S. Climate Normals

Real Climate Science – 1859 Extreme Weather

Earth’s Magnetic Flip: Dire Situation
Magnetic Pole Shift: The Most Important Disaster
Earth’s Magnetic Field is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now
For more perspective and more detailed analysis, you can check out some of the following posts. For those that want to go down the rabbit hole, I have included a link that lays out the very real possibility for the mother of all solar flares (a solar micro-nova) within the next few decades. This is a real, near extinction level event (“Climate Change” on steroids) that you can explore for yourself should you decide to do so.
Suspicious 0bservers – Disaster Playlist – YouTube
End of Time – Audio File/PDF
Wake the Woke – Video File/PDF (Visualizing the Green Initiatives)
Dr. Henrik Svensmark – Global Warming & Solar Flares
Dr. Ian Plimer – A Geologist’s View of Climate Change
Tom Gallagher – Paleoclimatology Part 1
CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS Greenhouse Gas
CSS-29 – Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2
CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models
OPPS-20 – Why Are We Putting All Our Eggs in One Basket
OPS-62 – Our Weakening Electromagnetic Field
OPS-55 – The State of the Climate
This is a topic I am researching. Thanks for the content.
I must admit that your post is really interesting. I have spent a lot of my time reading your content. Thank you a lot!