Snow And Ice – July 2021 Update
CSS-11 Given that several interesting global cold events have occurred recently, I thought this might be a good time to update the planet’s Snow and Ice situation. Having just come off very significant record heat (in the Pacific Northwest), we were, as per usual, inundated with copious amounts of “Global Warming” narrative. But no mention of the record cold the week before and no mention of the unusual cold in Greenland/Antarctica and many other areas on the planet. I suspect being forced to cover the record cold and energy problems in Texas and the mid-West US back in February must have been painful for the CAGW alarmist crowd (which includes the MSM). Essentially no single event is evidence of “Global Warming, Climate Change/Disruption/Emergency/Next Scary Descriptor” can be considered evidence of anything when it comes to science.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Greenland and Antarctica are certainly not cooperating with the CAGW alarmist narrative. Greenland just had a huge snowstorm (end of May) that literally went off the charts. That has been followed up by several other snow events that has shortened the melt season by roughly 33%. Normally, the ice loss (SMB) is already near peak levels.
The story in Antarctica is similar. They are experiencing a brutal start to winter and Sea Ice has been above normal ever since the unusually quick areal expansion in March 2021.Slide 11d shows the relationships between Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Extents and the UAH Satellite Temperature Data (Graphed Inversely). The UAH data was plotted at both Maximum and Minimum Sea Ice Extents. Generally, the correlations are quite good. Not surprising, since ice does tend to respond to temperature changes. What is surprising? The CAGW alarmist crowd chooses to not use the UAH temperature dataset. They prefer the “over-homogenized” surface data sets since they are homogenized to support their narrative (generally whichever one exaggerates the Modern Temperature Record (MTR) the most). The “over-homogenized” data would not correlate quite as well. Wait I take that back, it is not surprising!
The Snow and Ice situation on this planet is just not backing up the CAGW alarmist narrative. Neither the snow nor the ice are going to disappear any time soon. As the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies over the next couple of decades, temperatures will drop, stressing agricultural production and ultimately leading to mass starvation and civil strife. The IPCC was established in 1988 and has pushed CO2 emission reduction programs that have been prohibitively expensive (your money) with virtually NO effect on rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations (OPS-45 – CO2 Emissions and the IPCC).
Natural forcings (solar or solar related) will drop global temperatures substantially over the next couple of decades. So, why are our idiotic political leaders doubling down on unnecessary, expensive and dangerous green initiatives (CO2 reduction) when the temperatures will drop naturally? Might be wealth transfer, the UN Agendas and their unelected, unaccountable, corrupt, totalitarian One World Government goals, the Great Reset or simply good, old fashioned virtual signaling (but that is just speculation on my part).

OPS-24 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – December2019
OPS-15 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – June 2019
OPPS-14 – #delaythegreen
Open Letter – Appendix 6 – August 2018
Global Cryosphere
Rutger’s Snow Lab

OPS-24 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – December2019
OPS-15 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – June 2019
OPPS-14 – #delaythegreen
Open Letter – Appendix 6 – August 2018
Greenland Surface Mass Balance – DMI
Greenland Surface Melt – NSIDC
Antarctic Ice Loss – Shepherd et al
NASA – Antarctic Ice Study – 2015
Global Cryosphere

OPS-24 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – December2019
OPS-15 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – June 2019
OPS-45 – CO2 Emissions and the IPCC
OPPS-14 – #delaythegreen
Open Letter – Appendix 6 – August 2018
DMI – Sea Ice Thickness
DMI – Arctic Average Temperature
NSIDC – Sea Ice Interactive Graph
Global Cryosphere

OPS-24 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – December2019
OPS-15 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – June 2019
OPPS-14 – #delaythegreen
Open Letter – Appendix 6 – August 2018
NOAA – Sun Spot Predictions
NOAA – Sea Ice and Snow Extent
UAH Satellite Temperature Anomaly

CSS-5 – Snow and Ice – September 2020
OPS-24 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – December2019
OPS-15 – Northern Hemisphere Snow – June 2019
OPPS-14 – #delaythegreen
Open Letter – Appendix 6 – August 2018
Ice Sheet Volumes – Mikkelsen et al 2018
Mikkelsen et al 2018 – Supplemental Notes
World Glacier Monitoring Services
What is the global volume of land ice and how is it changing
Global Cryosphere – Glaciers
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