Sea Level Rise – Is There Acceleration?
CSS-33 One of the bigger climate change scares has always been sea level rise. At best an irrational fear. Even in the worst-case emission scenarios ((SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5) dubbed as implausible by the IPCC), sea level rise of roughly 1.2 meters (by 2150) would not result in any deaths. Everyone is capable of outrunning rising sea levels and low-lying areas can be protected from sea level rise with today’s technology. Current sea level rise (3.4 mm/year, (0.47 meters by 2150) is not scary and can be dealt with through adaptation (assuming sea levels continue to rise). Given that sea levels in general are reactive to temperature, what would be the logical sea level response as temperatures drop over the next few decades? The answer is simple. Sea Level rise would slow down and/or begin to fall depending on the magnitude of the temperature decline. In the real world, the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) is entering its 30-year cold phase and the Grand Solar Minimum will drop temperatures over the next few decades.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
In the real world, the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) is entering its 30-year cold phase and the Grand Solar Minimum will drop temperatures over the next few decades. Therefore, in the real world, sea level will very likely level off and/or drop over the next few decades. Only in the virtual world created by the IPCC models (those models that they self admittedly say run too hot), do sea levels rise uninterrupted. All the sea level projections rise faster than any statistically significant historical data extrapolations, much like the global temperature rise projections (covered in my CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models and Dr. John Christy (CSS-6) posts).
The answer to the question posed above is yes (based on current historical data). However, that acceleration is minor, well within natural fluctuations (i.e.: sea levels rose just as fast in the early 20th century (despite only minor human CO2 emissions) and is likely to disappear with the temperature drops over the next few decades due to AMO and GSM cooling. Sea Levels (and temperatures) fluctuated significantly throughout the Holocene despite virtually flat CO2 levels. Another blatant example of non-correlation between CO2 and Temperature/Sea Level. Longer term sea level information was covered in my CSS-18 – Sea Level and Climate Drivers post.

The empirical data, viewed in its entirety, shows that CO2 is not a significant climate driver. CO2 does correlate to temperature on some time scales, but temperature is driving CO2 levels (not the other way around). CO2 generally does not correlate to changes in sea level or most other scare tactic parameters (i.e.: forest fires, drought, extreme weather, etc.). Bottomline, the “Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming” (CAGW) alarmist narrative is dangerous and unscientific. Allowing the CAGW narrative to persist will leave our children and grandchildren’s future in serious jeopardy. It is time to wake up people. The people pushing the simplistic, unscientific CAGW alarmist narrative are just one aspect of the problem. Those ignoring the problem are a bigger part of the problem.

Sea Level – Vital Signs – NASA

Sea Level – Vital Signs – NASA

CSS-28 – Glaciers in Greenland
OPS-43 – Glaciers and Sea Level

NOAA – Tidal Gauge Data

OPS-52 – Solar Activity – NOAA Forecast

University of Maine – Climate Reanalyzer
CSS-25 – Incremental Homogenization – HadCRUT4 to HadCRUT5

NASA – Sea Level Projection Tool
OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science
For more perspective and more detailed analysis, you can check out some of the following posts.
CSS-6 – John Christy – January 2021 Update
CSS-18 – Sea Level and Climate Drivers
CSS-29 – Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2
CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models
CSS-32 – UAH Lower Troposphere Temperature – November 2022