Re-Imagining the United States and Canada
OPPS-10 This post is set up as a thought experiment and note any opinions in this post are my own. What can we do to stop the New World Order (NWO) agenda? That agenda began decades ago and continues to this day. They are just more blatant about it now! It has been a slow, steady march towards socialism and they are currently trying to accelerate that march (i.e.: the “Great Reset”) with the “opportunity” provided by COVID-19. Tying the current lockdown to that old standard “Global Warming” (oops, I mean “Climate Change”, no, “Climate Emergency” (or has the terminology changed again)) is just the next step in the process. An analogy tying those three principles together was included in OPPS-9 (Common Sense). More data and relevant links are also included in OPPS-8 (Canadian Deficits – November Update).
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange #delaythegreen
This post focuses on a potential scenario that may be required if Joe Biden wins the 2020 election (despite the serious “alleged” fraud in the swing states). Trump (like him or not) will stand up to the globalists, Biden will do their bidding, enable them and accelerate their agenda. The NWO needs the USA and Biden will gladly give it to them. Forming a new (contiguous and strong) country with the best parts of the USA and Canada would address that problem. The combined entity would control most of the hydrocarbon and agricultural producing areas in USA and Canada. Energy and food (including water) will be the two most important commodities over the next couple of decades. Can this scenario be accomplished? I suspect that the mechanisms are available and some version of the scenario will be needed. Unfortunately and realistically, more people need to wake up and soon to prevent the NWO from becoming a reality.
We are just entering the Modern Grand Solar Minimum (GSM). Historically, GSMs have not been kind to humans. The associated GSM cooling will underscore the need for more cheap hydrocarbon fuels, not less and lead to severe cold weather crop losses (shorter growing seasons, unusual cold events, increased precipitation/flooding, increased pest problems (insect, fungus), etc.). The cold leads to more deaths (starvation, exposure (heat or eat), poor health, increased disease incidence, etc.) and we (our politicians/media/academia) continue too ignore the problem right in front of us. Focusing instead on a perceived problem (CO2 emissions) that might be a problem decades from now.
And before the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist heads start exploding, I am still waiting for anyone (scientist or not) to put forward an empirical CO2/Temperature dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Without that empirical data set, the CAGW narrative is closer to a religious belief than a scientific principle. A representative cross-section of the available data (including “homogenized” (or more accurately manipulated) data) has been included in my Open Letter on my personal website ( The data shows a wide variety of significant solar forcings on the climate, with the minimal CO2 forcing generally hidden in the natural forcings.

OPPS-9 – Common Sense