Late Holocene – CAGW CO2/Temperature
OPS-51 This post is an extension of my Holocene Logic Series. The large plot focuses on the last 4,000 years of the Holocene. The planet’s temperature has (in general) been declining steadily off the Holocene Climate Optimum (driven by the Milankovitch cycles, primarily Obliquity). The temperature fluctuations (on every temperature data set) reflect the shorter solar cycles. CO2 is a total non-player through this period since the atmospheric CO2 levels are virtually flat until the Modern Temperature Record (MTR). As per the most of my Holocene Logic Series, the CO2 levels are plotted on a scale that reflects the CAGW alarmist Narrative that the MTR temperature rise is due to Anthropogenic processes (primarily CO2 emissions). A lot of temperature fluctuations happening without CO2’s help (pre-MTR) and a lot of MTR temperature rise occurring before any significant Anthropogenic CO2 emissions occurred (86%+ of human emissions occurred post-1950). Human temperature influence would be minor pre-1950. Post-1950, a significant portion (potentially most) of the warming would be due to ocean influences (the AMO, ENSO and PDO for example). So, how much influence do we have? There is no simple answer, but a deep review of all the available data shows that CO2 is indeed a FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas (CSS-7 for more detail).
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
The three smaller plots focus in on Little Ice Age and the MTR. The Upper Plot is the CAGW alarmist Narrative (i.e.: CO2 emissions are responsible for the MTR temperature rise). This is the same data as the 4,000-year plot. The middle plot uses a CO2 scale that reflects the more reasonable position that CO2 is responsible for roughly 40% of the MTR warming. This would correspond to a historical Climate Sensitivity of roughly 1 °C (the IPCC uses 1.2 °C). The lower plot assumes that CO2’s radiative absorption band has become increasingly saturated and CO2’s greenhouse gas capacity (climate sensitivity) has already been reduced significantly and will continue declining. Remember, 86%+ of human emissions have occurred post-1950. CO2’s climate sensitivity is not a settled science, so these plots are for illustrative purposes only (but still very representative).
Ultimately, regardless of which scenario you choose, the effects of CO2 are minor to negligible. There is NO scientifically based (i.e.: empirical data) indication that increased CO2 levels can lead to dangerous temperature levels (let alone drive the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale). The only place that “dangerous” temperatures exist is in the unsubstantiated, virtual reality world created by the IPCC’s computer models (using their artificially inflated CO2 climate sensitivities (ranging from 1.5 °C to 4.5 °C (quite the range for “settled science”)). Also, strange that those “dangerous” levels are significantly less than the temperatures associated with many other periods of more abundant life. The planet’s temperature (and for the record, CO2) has been significantly higher than current conditions for 85% of the last 600 million years (OPS-41 – Geological Time Scale Visualization). A recently updated Phanerozoic Temperature (Scotese 2021)/CO2 (GEOCARBSULF – 2005) data plot is available in a more recent post (CSS-10 – A Ride Through The Cenozoic).

CSS-2 – Holocene Logic – CO2
CSS-4 – Milankovitch Cycles
CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas
OPS-22 – Climate Models – Real Simple
OPS-26 – Holocene Logic
OPS-27 – Holocene – Temperature Logic – Simplified
OPS-36 – Holocene Logic – Simplified 2
OPS-44 – Temperature Averaging Effects
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