Holocene and the Milankovitch Cycles
CSS-4 This Climate Short Story (CSS) looks at the Holocene interglacial warm period and the influences that the Milankovitch cycles have on the global temperatures. The analysis looks at those relationships in the Arctic, Antarctica and a blended Average Global Temperature (AGT). Just for the record, this is a long CSS and the analysis (although qualitative) is complicated. But that is typical of “Climate Change” regardless of what the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmists are currently spouting off about. It is not just CO2. If you take the time to look at all the data, it becomes very clear that CO2 only plays a small role and does not show up in the historical empirical data on any statistically significant time scale.
This CSS will soon be posted (as both images and pdfs) on my website climatechangeandmusic.com.
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
I have chosen to use different temperature data sets from both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The Arctic data provides more of an average rather than a specific location like Greenland GISP2 ice core data. The Dome C ice core data is more representative of Antarctica than the Vostok ice cores. There was a general early Holocene cooling in Antarctica that ended around 8,000 years BP that was not very prominent at Vostok. The temperature profile provides an explanation of the Holocene CO2 trends (a small, gradual decline over the first third of the Holocene and a small, gradual incline over the last two thirds).
Using the new temperature data, does not change my previous Holocene analysis. Relying almost solely on CO2 forcing in the computer models is (my apologies) just stupid. The temperature over the Holocene fluctuated regularly with temperature changes much more significant than the 1 ºC increase out of the Little Ice Age (LIA). Notwithstanding that most of that increase is likely natural, since CO2’s theoretical warming capacity is only 40-50% of that 1 ºC. The Modern Temperature Record (MTR) can be modeled without CO2 contribution (i.e.; solar forcings (direct and indirect) are all that is required (OPS-8)). So why would anyone use a model (based almost solely on CO2) that can not model the temperatures over the Holocene (pre-MTR)? If you can not model the past, the model projections are useless. Unless, of course, you want to push a narrative. And believe me, the CAGW alarmist crowd is pushing a narrative.
Many thanks to Renee Hannon for providing me with some additional data sources and the impetus to expand my perspective.

Milankovitch Curves – Data Source

Milankovitch Curves – Data Source

Ice Core Data (Temperature, CO2, etc.)

CSS-2 (Holocene Logic – CO2)
OPS-22 (Computer Models – Real Simple)
OPS-26 (Holocene -Temperature-CO2 Logic)
OPS-27 (Holocene – Temperature Logic (Simplified)
