CO2 – Temperature Correlations
OPS-12 The deepest problem that the “Global Warming” alarmist crowd has with defending their position is the lack of empirical (real life, historical) data. This OPS puts forward a variety of graphs showing that CO2 does not show up as a significant climate driver on any statistically significant time scale. The 600 million year time scale is not based on data that I downloaded myself from (NASA, NOAA and other academic and scientific organizations). There are many versions of this time scale, but they all show no correlation between CO2 and Global Temperature. CO2 fluctuations can contribute to global temperature changes, but they do not drive the climate in any significant fashion. Historically, CO2 influences have been hidden by the natural cycles/fluctuations (primarily solar related) and will continue to be masked by future natural influences. Without empirical data to back up the hypothesis, catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is and will remain a hypothesis. To believe otherwise, takes the believer into religious not scientific territory. Anyone is welcome to put forward a CO2/Temperature dataset showing CO2 driving the climate, but that never happens. That dataset just doesn’t exist!

GEOCARB III – Atmospheric CO2 (550 million years)