CO2-Temperature – Cenozoic
OPS-50 Hope everyone had a Great Canada Day or just a Great Thursday.
I just recently posted a detailed Climate Short Story (CSS-10 – A Ride Through The Cenozoic). That post had a lot of interesting but technical information. This is my attempt to compress an important aspect of that CSS down to a One Page Summary (OPS). The oxygen (δO18 (O18/O16)) and carbon (δC13 (C13/C12)) isotope ratios are detailed proxies for temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels based on the measurement of deep-sea benthic foraminifera. So, what does the data show? The short version – several long, stable climate (i.e.: temperature) periods developed with sharp separations brought on by major geological transformations (continental drift, major ocean cycle changes, etc.) and/or catastrophic celestial events (impacts, spiral arm transits, etc.). During the stable periods, temperatures fluctuated in tight ranges, CO2 varied significantly. But as with our ice core data, the temperature fluctuations are driven by natural forcings (Milankovitch cycles on these scales), which in turn have driven the CO2 fluctuations. The entire Cenozoic temperature and CO2 fluctuations are consistent with the mechanisms we see in the ice core data.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
I have plotted the current Temperature Anomaly and CO2 concentration on Figure 3. And like the rest of the Cenozoic, the big change in CO2 does not correspond to a big change in temperature. Proving once again that CO2 is a FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas (CSS-7). So, despite the record warm temperatures that some parts of the Pacific Northwest (Canada and the USA) are currently receiving, we do not have to worry about our planet burning up because of rising CO2. High temperatures in North America have been experienced before and records (most of which occurred prior to 60 years ago) are made to be broken. This heat wave represents less than 3% of the US high temperature records (from 650 stations with 100 years of data). Compare that to 1936 where 23% of the high records are still held (or the many other years that have more high records than this year). The current global temperature anomaly is only 0.2 °C above the 1979 – 2000 average. Have you CAGW climate alarmists already conveniently forgotten about the record cold that middle America had around the first day of summer? Or maybe you forgot to check the current/recent temperature maps that showed severe cold in the Southern States, South America, Greenland, Antarctica, parts of Russia/Alaska, etc. Tony Heller posted (on July 1st) a very informative video (Suppose You Were A Member Of Congress), on current and historical temperatures.
Unfortunately, we do have to worry about our idiotological leadership that continues to push unnecessary green initiatives (anything related to CO2 emission reductions) when we have real financial/environmental/societal/political problems to deal with and they ignore the very real existential threat of Climate Change “Cooling”. Most of the significant long term climate drivers (solar (GSM – Cosmic Ray Flux, increased volcanic activity, etc.), Milankovitch Cycles) and Ocean Cycles (AMO, PDO, ENSO)) are all headed colder. Layer on some potential near term catastrophic cooling events (Beaufort Gyre release, lower latitude ice migration, solar micro-nova (which will literally burn up the planet followed by an almost immediate deep ice age) and/or Bill Gates geo-engineering) and you will find out how truly FECKLESS CO2 really is.

Westerhold Science
CSS-4 – Milankovitch Cycles
CSS-7 – CO2 – The FECKLESS GreenHouse Gas
CSS-10 – A Ride Through The Cenozoic