CO2 Climate Sensitivity
OPS-42 This post takes another look at CO2’s Climate Sensitivity (CCS), condensing the discussion down to one page. A more detailed look was previously posted in CSS-3 – CO2 Sensitivity. This post is directed at both sides of the “Climate Change” Discussion. Generally, the CCS is treated as a Universal Constant in the discussion (by both sides). The magnitude of that “Universal Constant” is definitely (despite its importance) not settled science. The IPCC uses a range of roughly 1.5 to 4.5 ºC (i.e.: not even settled within the CAGW alarmist world. Real climate scientists (like Judith Curry et al) have made estimates (roughly 1.35 ºC) for the Modern Temperature Record (MTR, 1850 – Present). But that value assumes that all the MTR warming is due to human emissions. Given that 86.3% of human emissions occurred post-1950 and roughly half of the warming occurred pre-1950, the 1.35 ºC CCS is too high. Accounting for some pre-1950 solar forcing and the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE), that CCS moves down to the 1.0 ºC range. Not dangerous even if that CCS was maintained in the future.
#climatechange #globalwarming #showusthedata
But is the CCS a constant value? Not if the atmospheric physicists that believe the narrow CO2 absorption band is becoming saturated are correct. The University of Chicago’s MODTRAN model demonstrates the variable CCS concept. The MODTRAN model has been calibrated to model the satellite measurements of energy radiating out to space accurately. Based on the MODTRAN model, the Temperature increase associated with a CO2 increase from 400 to 800 ppm will only be 0.3 ºC (i.e.: the CCS has dropped to 0.3 ºC and will go down from there). STOP WORRYING ABOUT CO2 EMISSIONS!!! Focus on the real problems we are facing (real pollution, severe financial concerns, poverty, terrorism, coming food shortages/price increases, etc., etc.)
From previous posts, WAKE UP!!! The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist NARRATIVE is not based on science or good environmental practices. And if you think the extended COVID-19 lockdowns were inconvenient/dangerous/economic suicide, etc., wait until the far more long-term Totalitarian (and UNNECESSARY) Climate Lockdowns are imposed (through the various UN Agendas, the WEF Great Reset, etc.). The average citizen needs to start speaking up. Our children’s and grandchildren’s futures are under immediate threat! And one of the greatest cheerleaders of that threat is our own drama queen-in-chief, Justin Trudeau. Justin, you need to get back to work (for your citizens (all of them)) and let the world take care of its own problems for a while!!!

University of Chicago – MODTRAN
CSS-3 – CO2-Sensitivity
OPS-35 – CO2 Will Kill The Planet
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