CO2 and Scientific Proof
OPS-18 In reviewing “Climate Change” over these many years, there is one outstanding “BASIC” principle of science that is completely ignored by the “Global Warming” alarmist crowd and the “climate scientists” that continue to push the narrative. A theory is just a theory until real, unmanipulated empirical data is brought forward to back up that theory. That premise applys to all science (even “Anthropogenic Global Warming” (AGW), although in practice that is not happening). I routinely ask and will continue to ask that anyone defending “Global Warming” provide even one dataset showing CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant time scale. I don’t ever expect that anyone (climate scientist or not) will ever come forward with that data since that data does not exist. NASA doesn’t have it, NOAA doesn’t have it, no one has it, not even (for those who buy into the “AGW” farce/religion) your God (whoever or whatever you believe that to be).
Seriously, everyone needs to look at the data (which is readily available). I’ve pulled the data from NASA, NOAA and a variety of other academic and scientific institutions. The links for that data (CO2 concentrations, Solar Activity (direct and indirect) and Global Temperatures (including the highly manipulated/homogenized data from NASA-GISS)) are in my Open Letter (Google – “Ronald Davison climate”). CO2 is not visible in the historical data, while solar activity’s fingerprints are all over the historical temperature record. The solar forcings will have much more serious implications on humankind than CO2 increases (which will actually be beneficial). The natural consequences of the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) we are just entering have already started to present themselves (global cold weather crop losses, due to severe precipitations events, flooding, shortened growing seasons, etc.). We should be paying serious attention to the forecasted GSM temperature drops since the associated problems will affect us severely over the next few years. We’re not! Our governments are focusing instead on a perceived problem (80 years from now) that has no empirical evidence to back the theory up. We (our ideological governments) will, unfortunately, waste a lot more money before everyone comes to their senses.