Calgary – Homogenization
CSS-19 A simple task (updating my temperature data for Calgary) turned into a rather complex Climate Short Story. Calgary (on its own) is obviously a very localized area. But the same general story will play itself out around the world. The homogenization process is an opaque process that is open to data manipulation and outright fraud where the “homogenizers” are knowingly adjusting the data to conform to the CAGW alarmist narrative. For those interested, I took a larger picture look at Global Temperatures in my CSS-13 – A Look at Homogenization post. I am also working on a post focussed on Greenland. The story in Calgary seems to be one of continually growing homogenization. Older measured temperatures are being reduced (through homogenization) by up to 1.43 °C (2.57 °F). The result, a rising temperature profile that fits much better with the CAGW alarmist narrative than those pesky measured temperatures.
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Reykjavik, Iceland has a similar story. I do not have the older data but Tony Heller lays out the Reykjavik manipulation (homogenization) in great detail on his website under his NASA Tampering With Reykjavik Raw Temperature Data post and video. NASA was forced to abandon their over-homogenized look at Reykjavik when the Icelandic Met Office pointed out that “The GHCN “corrections” are grossly in error in the case of Reykjavik.” Similar corrections are required all over the world. But we would not want our climate scientists to start using the Scientific Method, would we? Why bother adjusting your theory (or in this case narrative), when they (the “homogenizers”) can (and do) just change the data to fit the narrative.
And where are the “competent” climate scientists at Environment Canada (or their Provincial counterparts) that could be pointing out the obvious over manipulation? Rhetorical question, they are working hard on making sure that Canada maintains its reputation as the country with the world’s hottest running computer climate model in the world. The global models average a +0.40 °C/decade increase (which must be correct since that is the “Scientific Consensus”). Strange, how that consensus is +0.23 °C/decade (or 2.4 times) above the Observed Average trend of +0.17 °C/decade. Hats off to our Canadian “Climate Scientists” who are coming in at 0.61 °C/decade (0.44 °C/decade (or 3.6 times) above the 0.17 °C/decade reality. Special Kudos for our political leadership that praise these Canadian scientists and implement their ideological, economically suicidal policies with our taxpayer money. After all, they are just “following the science”. Maybe instead of following “THE” science, they should actually rely on science (i.e.: empirical data not self admittedly over heated virtual realities created by computers). These trends are based on 39 IPCC Climate Model Simulations using the new CMIP6 Protocols (focusing on the 300-200 hPa atmospheric level Tropical Temperature Trend from 1979 – 2019). More detail provided in my review of John Christy’s January 2021 presentation (CSS-6 – John Christy – January 2021).

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