CAGW Implications
OPPS-7 This discussion was placed in the political category because the post focuses on societal issues more than just data. The political and societal rhetoric gets ramped up every major election cycle down in the United States. And Trump’s victory in 2016, just kept that rhetoric flowing. You can argue all day whether it is Trump’s aggressive/combative style or the constant attacks from the left’s political/media/academia and entertainment arms. I suspect it’s a combination of both with a lot of the blame going to the side of the political spectrum that constantly calls Trump, his supporters and the Republicans racists, misogynists, Islamophobic, homophobic, Nazis, etc., etc. These terms are being overused excessively and, in many situations, grossly out of context. That overuse downplays the real racists, etc. and minimizes the actual horrific actions that are carried out against minorities, the LGBT community, etc.
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
This post points out the hypocrisy of the left’s ideological push for draconian CO2 reductions. The implications of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) Policy decisions are causing serious harm to minorities, the female gender, Islamic nations, etc. (and the environment) around the world. These policies hurt the poor of the world the hardest (in both developed and Third World Countries). It is not a stretch to label those that push the CAGW narrative as racists, etc. given the impact of those policies (or is 4 million unnecessary deaths per year not enough justification). You could give the CAGW alarmist crowd some leeway if they could actually bring forward an empirical CO2/Temperature dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. They can not, because that dataset does not exist. Kind of important if you (the CAGW alarmist crowd) want to insist that you are following “the science”.
For those pushing the CAGW narrative, your actions are racist, misogynistic, etc. whether you choose to believe that or not. For those that just accept the CAGW narrative, without doing some relatively easy research, you should take some time to think of the consequences. You are simply not saving the world. For those that believe they have an open mind, go and look at the actual historical data. CO2 is simply not a primary climate driver in the historical data. Solar activity (directly or indirectly), on the other hand, shows up all over the historical record. The CAGW alarmist crowd attributes virtually all the Modern Temperature Record (MTR) temperature rise to CO2 (sorry not correct) and uses that premise to forecast future temperature increases. Sorry, but the solar/natural forcings (direct and indirect) have not ceased to exist just because the IPCC and the rest of the CAGW alarmist crowd have decreed it to be so.
I have downloaded a representative cross-section of the available data (NASA, NOAA, etc.) that those interested can review. Or alternatively, the links are also included for those that would like to get the data for themselves. Open your minds and think for yourself (before it is too late). The sun is the primary climate driver and all solar indications say lower temperatures (and very likely significantly lower temperatures). Historical Grand Solar Minimums (GSM) have led to catastrophic crop losses, massive starvation, disease proliferation and civil strife. We are just entering the GSM and those consequences (already manifesting themselves) will be very apparent over the next few years and decades. And our politicians are worrying about the implications of what will be a minor, beneficial warming 80 years from now. There is catastrophic climate change coming. But it is not CAGW. A more apt description would be Catastrophic Natural Global Cooling (CNGC).
Go to my website for a logical, data-based look at the “Climate Change” subject.

CSS-1 – Holocene Logic
CSS-2 – Holocene Logic – CO2
CSS-3 – CO2 Sensitivity
CSS-4 – Holocene – Milankovitch Cycles
CSS-5 – Snow and Ice – September 2020
WHO Air Pollution Deaths
Canadian Senior Statistics