A Single Event is NOT a Trend
OPPS-27 Currently traveling right now, so I will keep this one short. The premise for this post is quite simple. Any single event or series of events within a single year or even a decade is not evidence of “Climate Change”. Climate Change happens over many decades, centuries, millennia, etc. Only the long-term trends can provide evidence of “Climate Change”. And unfortunately for the alarmist community, the long-term trends do not support the alarmist’s ideological narrative. Yet, the media is continually full of reports of extreme events and our ideological “leaders” (political, corporate, media, etc.) constantly cite/parrot those reports as evidence. Extreme events are not surprising, since extreme events happen every year (and always have).
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
This post was categorized as a political post since I have not supplied any direct data links. But all those links are available on my website (https://climatechangeandmusic.com) with detailed discussions/empirical data that back-up any of the statements made in this post. In reality, the whole “Climate Change” discussion is (unfortunately) a political discussion. Science and economics (common sense, in general) have been abandoned and replaced with ideology. The whole alarmist narrative is built on climate models that the modelers self-acknowledge run too hot and use implausibly high emission scenarios that the IPCC has deemed have a low likelihood of occurring. The alarmists have and just continue to ignore the natural forcings (primarily the sun, directly and indirectly) which will drive temperatures down over the next few decades. They prefer to keep the con going and you (the taxpayer) are supplying the funds that feed their big green machine. The trillions spent to date have had no measurable effect on global CO2 concentrations or global temperatures. Spending hundreds of trillions will produce the same result, no measurable impact (using “The Science” they follow).
I’ll close this post off with the same statement I made in my OPPS-26 – “The Science” post with one minor change, “The Science” has been replaced by “the extreme event evidence”. Anyone that links recent extreme weather events to “Climate Change” without providing the long-term empirical data to back the claim up is misinformed, ignorant to the facts and/or outright lying. And I suspect most are likely profiting off the “green” grift.
“So, the next time someone appeals to “the extreme event evidence” to justify all their economy killing green initiatives (NetZero, the Green New Deal, ESG, etc.), remember “the extreme event evidence” they are talking about is based on an idiotological narrative, not the full and proper application of the Scientific Method.”

CLINTEL – There is no Climate Emergency
Hunga-Tonga-Hunga Volcanic Eruption Article
Here are some additional articles/papers/posts that provide further context to this discussion.
Then THEY Came For Me
Climate Short Story (CSS)
CSS-30 – CMIP6 Climate Models
One Page Political Summary (OPPS)
OPPS-26 – “The Science”
One Page Summary (OPS)
OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science
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