Who is Justin Listening To?
PSS-4 This is a political post. Any opinions presented are my own. You do not have to like them. You can agree or disagree, that is up to you not the fact (or more accurately, the opinion) checkers. The question I pose is fundamental to the future of our once great country (Canada). That same question can be asked in most countries on this planet. Sadly, our “leader”, Justin Trudeau (and his Liberal party in general) appear to restrict the guidance they receive to unelected, unaccountable, totalitarian global organizations (like the UN and WEF) and local/international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that hold the same dangerous, idiotological positions that he is forcing on his citizens.
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange #delaythegreen
Justin incessantly claims to follow “the science”, but in the real world, science is much broader than “the simplistic science” that Justin claims to follow (climate or otherwise). We and the rest of the world have real problems to contend with. Wasting money on “green” initiatives (related to CO2 emissions) will have immaterial, unmeasurable effects on the climate. The effects on our society will be (in contrast), massive and devastating. We are already facing serious energy, food, supply chain, medical, financial, and environmental (not CO2) crises. Did I miss anything (WWIII, not withstanding)? It might be time to put the unaffordable green agenda (#delaythegreen, OPPS-14) on the backburner and work on the world’s real problems. Delaying the green agendas for a couple of decades will make virtually no difference in the 2100 temperatures especially given that applying them will make virtually no difference in the 2100 temperatures (OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015 and OPPS-9 – Common Sense). It is time to work on the real problems we are currently facing and will continue to face over the next few years/decades and not continue wasting trillions on perceived problems a century from now.
Wake up people! These unnecessary “green” emission reduction initiatives are ultimately being funded by you, the taxpayer. And sadly, every dollar our government spends unnecessarily now, is an additional burden on our children’s and grandchildren’s future. Those expenditures go straight to our already overly high debt levels (in a dangerous, rising interest rate environment). The “Climate Change” our children will face from a warming scenario is not dangerous (according to the IPCC technical documents). Humanity adapted and thrived in much warmer periods in the recent past despite the less advanced technologies of the time (the Medieval, Roman, and Minoan Warm Periods, and the Holocene Climate Optimum). Conversely, they struggled to survive through the cold periods (the Little Ice Age, the Dark Ages, and the Greek Dark Ages). Their future, factoring in the solar activity and other forcings that the IPCC and the CAGW alarmist community like to ignore, suggests cooling (and hard times) will be more likely. Unfortunately, our children will very likely struggle through the coming decades as temperatures drop. Fixing our currently out of control fiscal problems is the best option for improving their future (warming or cooling).

Roger Pielke Jr. – Scenario Discussions
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways – DKRZ
Summary for Policy Makers – IPCC
CSS-29 – Climate Model – TSI-AMO-CO2

Michael Moore – Planet of the Humans
Patrick Moore – Ecosense
Michael Shellenberger – shellenberger.org
OPPS-6 – Confessions of an Anthropogenic Global Warmist
OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015
OPS-30 – Green Apocalypse

Parliamentary Budget Office Report – Global GHG and Canadian GDP – November 8th, 2022
OPPS-22 – Parliamentary Budget Office – GHG emissions & GDP
OPPS-23 – Trudeau’s Business Acumen

OPPS-12 – Chinese Influence
OPPS-19 – COVID-19 and the Climate – Censoring the Experts
OPS-9 – Skeptical Scientists

Then They Came For Me
Yuval Noah Harari – Will the Future Be Human?
A few additional links relevant to the discussion.
OPPS-8 – Canadian Deficits – November 2020 Update
OPPS-9 – Common Sense
OPPS-14 – #delaythegreen
OPS-17 – Paris Accord 2015