Skeptical Scientists
OPS-9 A common response by the “Global Warming” crowd is that 97% of scientists have endorsed the consensus that the “Global Warming” over the last century and a half is almost entirely due to human activity and additional CO2 emissions will lead to catastrophic warming in the future. That statement is at best a misrepresentation (if not an outright fraud). I’ll deal with the consensus in a future OPS. OPS-9 is just a quick list of well-respected scientists (which includes climatologists, meteorologists, astro/solar physicists, etc.) that I pulled off of a list of 85 scientists that have spoken out against the “Anthropogenic Global Warming” (AGW) hypothesis. And they are speaking out with good cause since the AGW hypothesis is just that, a hypothesis. Without empirical data to back up the AGW hypothesis, AGW will remain just that, a hypothesis. CO2 never appears in the historical record as a statistically significant primary climate driver, therefore AGW cannot be anything more than a hypothesis.
Conversely, solar activity through direct and indirect means, does show up as “the” primary driver of climate change in the historical data. And unfortunately, our political and media representatives continue to ignore the severe, negative impacts that the currently declining solar activity levels will have on our agriculture yields, standards of living and levels of security (among other things). Do some research on what has happened during “Grand Solar Minimums” (GSM). This modern GSM will be subject to the same issues. I personally would suggest that you stop worrying about what might happen 80 years from now and start worrying about what will happen over the next decade or two (or three). The cold associated with GSMs will be far more deadly than the minor warmth that may result from increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere. I do address, in more detail, all of these issues in my Open Letter to the World. Read my Open Letter. And please focus on the data and not my opinion. Think for yourself!!!