Sea Levels
OPS-23 The topic of sea levels is being totally blown out of proportion by the media and their alarmist cabal. The tide gauges from around the world can be easily accessed on the NOAA website. The tide gauges just do not show any statistically significant increase in the rate of sea level rise. In general, sea levels were rising at the same rates a century ago that they are currently rising at. There are some cycles visible in the data but the trends over longer periods of time are linear. There is no evidence (in the tide gauge data) that CO2 has been contributing to sea level rise. CO2 concentrations started rising significantly faster in 1950. The sea levels, 70 years later have still shown no response to the increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. No correlation, no causation!!
The projected (catastrophic) sea level rises come from the IPCC computer models. Models that have currently forecasted temperature increases that are 3 – 4 times the observed temperature increases. Not surprising, since the projections of warming (catastrophic or not) are based on IPCC computer models that have been programmed to respond to CO2 (and other greenhouse gases, almost exclusively) and to virtually ignore the natural radiative forcings (solar activity, ocean cycles, cosmic ray intensities, cloud cover variations, etc.) that have dominated the planet for 4+ billion years. Nature doesn’t work that way, the natural forcings are still there and will still affect the climate going forward. The Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) we will be experiencing over the next couple of decades will show just how wrong that IPCC programming has been. As in previous GSMs, the temperature drops will be very serious and most likely catastrophic. Our governments are ignoring the existential threat in our immediate future for a manufactured (and unproven) threat 80 years from now.