Lies or Incompetence?
OPPS-1 As I sit here on Thanksgiving Sunday, I am thankful for all that has been given to me by the this great country of Canada (growing up in Saskatchewan, advancing my career in Alberta and looking forward to more time in BC as the reality of retirement looms). I have always been a Canadian first, but I fear that the divisions being stoked by the left side of the political spectrum are pushing Western Canadians down a separatist path. A path which I am willing to explore further (especially if the October 21st election goes back to the ideological, economically challenged Trudeau Liberal Government or worse a minority government with a Green/NDP/Bloc swing vote).
I’ve tried to keep my posts focussed on the science, so I’ve initiated a new One Page Political Summary (OPPS) series to keep the science and overt politics separate. I’ll still focus on the science, but the politics are sadly very intertwined and can not be avoided. I ask the question “Lies or Incompetence” for a simple reason. The actual answer for both the budget and “climate change” is mostly likely a combination of lies and incompetence (stemming from an ideological need to omit information (solar activity, flucuating cloud cover, etc.) that doesn’t fit the narrative and unjustified data manipulation required to enforce the narrative). Our politicians, unsurprisingly prefer political arguments over scientific facts and data.
The ultimate goal of the left (some parties more overtly than others) is to shutdown the Alberta Oil Sands. The premise for that shutdown is “Greenhouse Gas” (CO2) emissions leading to catastrophic “Global Warming”. The problem with that premise (hypothesis/theory, whatever you would like to call it) is that there is no empirical data to back the theory up! CO2 simply does not show up as a Primary Driver of “Climate Change” on any statistically significant historical time scale. In fact CO2 arguably, barely shows up as a minor driver. “Climate Change” is easy, right, more CO2, more warming. So why can’t anyone (climate scientist or not) put forward a CO2/Temperature dataset to prove the theory? Because that data set doesn’t exist!!! And the “Anthropogenic Global Warming” (AGW) theory is just that, an unvalidated theory that should never be used to make policy decisions!!
A vote for the left will push this country towards economic suicide and separation, in that order. The mistake of another term for Justin Trudeau will be very costly (based on their own platform numbers) and Mother Nature (using the currently cooling solar furnace called the sun) will ultimately show (before his term is finished) that she doesn’t care what his idealogical views on “Climate Change” are. The Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) effects are already being felt around the globe and we’re a long ways from the bottom. Think for yourself, look at the data (not computer models, not unvalidated theories, not opinions (mine included)) and make up your own mind.