With respect to “Climate Change”, this website and my contribution to the discussion focuses on the data. I have a standing request/challenge to anyone (scientist or not) to provide an empirical Temperature/CO2 data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Scientific proof requires empirical data. The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) theory does not have that empirical data (because that data does not exist).

Interview Links (Audio and Visual)

Then They Came For Me (based on the original by Martin Miemollor)

The Heartland Institute – H. Sterling Burnett

Climate Science Reality Check: Getting True Climate Science Recognized in Canada (Guest: Ron Davison) – The Heartland Institute

Friends of Science Society – Michelle Stirling

(5) Scrap the Calgary Climate Plan NOW! – YouTube

Facts Are What Matter – Dave Swinford (Episode 16 – The Facts on CO2 with Ron Davison)

Facts Are What Matter | RedCircle
