Energy & Climate at a Glance: Canadian Edition 2024
Preface (authored by Ron Davison)
OPS-81 Climate Change is an extremely complicated subject that has been reduced to the very one-dimensional, unscientific All CO2, All the Time narrative presented in the mainstream media and our political arenas. That narrative has been regularly portrayed as a Climate Emergency, Crisis, or some other scary descriptor to the general public for decades. Most of humanity wants to do what is right and presented with an issue like ‘Climate Change’ they want to and SHOULD do their part (however small) to save the planet (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, energy efficiency, pollution reductions, etc.). We all want to live long, fruitful, healthy, and happy lives and give our children and grandchildren that same opportunity. But those decisions need to be based on full disclosure, which is not happening in the current political/mainstream media arenas.
The problem with the current Climate Change Emergency narrative is essentially simple. There is no empirical evidence that CO2 is driving the climate, let alone that CO2 increases will lead to catastrophically high temperatures. Empirical data is a basic requirement of the Scientific Method. CO2 changes do affect the global temperature, but there are many much stronger natural forcings that easily dominant and hide CO2’s minor influence. CO2 is not a particularly strong climate driver as laid out in my CSS-53 – CO2’s Moneyball Moment post (summarized here). “If CO2 is such good climate driver, why doesn’t it drive climate good?”

Energy & Climate at a Glance was written to highlight (without going into great detail) some of the economic, scientific, environmental, ethical, etc. problems with the current Climate Emergency narrative. First, “There is NO Climate Emergency” as laid out in CLINTEL’s World Climate Declaration. Secondly, the narrative is based almost exclusively on three principles. 1. The unproven premise that human activity (primarily CO2) is responsible for the minor ± 1 °C temperature rise since 1850 with the assumption that CO2 is “the” primary climate driver. 2. The computer models (that are self-acknowledged to “run way too hot” and use unrealistically high emission scenarios) are showing that CO2 will lead to catastrophically high temperatures. 3. Extreme weather events (directly or through attribution studies) are evidence of ‘climate change’ despite empirical data that shows extreme weather event trends are statistically flat or declining while CO2 concentrations are increasing. These statements are detailed in my OPPS-29 – Climate Change – “The Science”, OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science posts (visual below).

Unfortunately, ideology is endemic in our economic, energy, and environmental policies, but the empirical data does NOT support that ideology. Energy & Climate at a Glance: Canadian Edition provides empirical data from reliable sources that calls into question many of those policies that have led to the real-world implications (inflation, high interest rates, energy security, heat or eat poverty, etc.) society is already experiencing. More detailed empirical data and discussion can be found at the organizations listed below.
Canadians are spending trillions to save billions and reduce temperature rise a century from now by ±0.003 °C Canadians for Sensible Climate Policy (, the Heartland Institute (, Friends of Science Society (, International Climate Science Coalition – Canada (, Climate Realists of BC (, and my personal website Climate Change and Music ( |
Cover Letter Link Table:
Participating Organizations
Canadians for Sensible Climate Policy
The Heartland Institute
Friends of Science Society
International Climate Science Coalition – Canada
Climate Realists of BC
Personal Website (Ronald J. Davison)
Climate Change and Music

Cover Letter Links
CSS-53 – CO2’s Moneyball Moment (CSS – Climate Short Story)
OPPS-29 – Climate Change – “The Science” (OPPS – One Page Political Summary)
OPS-55 – The State of Climate Science (OPS – One Page Summary)
CLINTEL’s World Climate Declaration: There is NO Climate Emergency