OPPS-14 Our Canadian Federal Liberal Government finally put forward a budget. Not surprisingly, they have opted to continue spending recklessly on their idiotalogical pet projects rather than focusing on the financial mess that has caused so much damage to the citizens of this once Great Country. This post’s focus is to #delaythegreen. Canada’s contribution to the 2015 Paris Accord commitments is a whopping 0.0034 °C temperature reduction in the year 2100 (using the IPCC “science”, OPS-17 –Paris Accord 2015). A delay of 10 years would mean the temperature reduction would be an obviously much more devastating 0.0031 °C. Do you think we can even survive those mind-blowing temperature changes? Do you believe that we can even measure those temperature differences?
#climatechange #delaythegreen #globalwarming #showusthedata
Do you really believe we only have 10 years left (or whatever the latest doomsday prognostication happens to be) before we are past the point of no return? If you do, you better get your affairs in order, because China, India, Russia and the vast majority of other major CO2 emitters do not give a crap about all these CAGW alarmist deadlines and are not doing anything about their emissions for decades. In many cases, they are and will continue to rapidly increase their emissions. Add in the low emission nations of Asia and Africa, that are working to get themselves out of poverty and the earth is obviously doomed (since that transition will not happen without cheap fossil fuels).
JT and his globalist cohorts can and will push all the economic suicide Agendas they can at Canada and the world but they will not have any meaningful impact on the global temperature. They will however achieve their primary goal of implementing an unelected, unaccountable, totalitarian (i.e.: communist) One World Government if the general population of the world does not WAKE UP and FIGHT BACK very soon.
We are already leaving an unmanageable, unnecessary debt load for our children and grandchildren. And the governments of the world (with Canada needlessly leading that stupid charge) are just piling on. Ask yourself WHY!! And ask yourself why they are ignoring the very real existential “Climate Change” threat posed by the Grand Solar Minimum we are just entering. The GSM cooling (already very noticeable) will just accelerate over the rest of the next decade or two.

History of Canada’s Federal Debt – Fraser Institute
CSS-7 – CO2 – The Feckless GreenHouse Gas
OPPS-8 – Lies or Incompetence (or both)?
OPPS-9 – Common Sense