COVID-19 – September 2020 status
PSS-1 The IPCC in its own documents has made things clear that the fight against “Global Warming” (then “Climate Change”) was not about the environment, it is about transferring wealth from the Developed Countries to the Third World. The UN and its idiotalogues (I mean idealogues) are using fear porn to push the world’s population into a poorer and more subservient role. They want a One World Government and the socialist (communist) control that brings. The more recent COVID-19 situation has ratcheted up the fear porn to new levels. The result, a few more steps towards a new era of Western Socialism/Communism. The same tactics used in “Climate Change” (unvalidated/inaccurate computer models, questionable assumptions, ignored data, weaponized media, “authoritative (expert) sources”, etc.) are being used with COVID-19 to push the socialist/communist narrative ever higher. It is time for the general population to start waking up!
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
This post is my look at the global COVID-19 data. I have my opinions (the lockdowns/mandatory masks need to end), but as with “Climate Change”, every person should look at the data and make up their own mind. To be fair, there was very little data earlier in the year and the “experts” relied on computer models from “authoritative sources”. The experts went straight to the fear porn to justify the lockdown (a 14-day shutdown to “flatten the curve”). Was the initial lockdown justified? Maybe, maybe not. Sweden, Netherlands, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and some others did not shut their internal economies down. Except for Brazil, these countries had a COVID-19 response similar to or better than many of the other countries around the world that locked down. I do not have a major problem with the initial lockdown, and I suspect that the curve was flattened. But how much and at what cost? The cost for the initial 14-day shutdown was easily absorbed by the economy. The extended six-month shutdown, on the other hand, has taken a huge toll on the economy and society.
For example, exorbitant job losses, mountainous debt increases, social degradation (rising crime, rising domestic abuse (spousal and child)), unnecessary deaths (drug overdoses, suicides, delayed life saving medical procedures, etc.). IT IS TIME TO END THE LOCKDOWNS!