Computer Reliability
OPPS-5 The COVID-19 pandemic is dominating the social and economic news across the entire globe (rightfully so). As a result, Climate Change has been pushed into the background of the news cycle. Despite all the alarmist attempts to link the two, rational people understand that COVID-19 represents an immediate, real threat. The threat magnitude of the virus itself is still an open question, but the resulting economic disaster is also very real and growing. Unlike the apocalyptic Armageddon prognostications that have been continually trotted out by the alarmist climate community (over the last several decades). How many times has climate change doomed the world? How many times have we gone past the point of no return (that so-called tipping point)? In the words of my 3-year old Grandson, “many times”.
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
The sad part is they may be missing the one catastrophic climate change call that may be a real and immediate threat. The temperature drops associated with the Grand Solar Minimum we have just entered could be extremely dangerous and catastrophic to the global food supply. Layer on a major food supply shortage to the current COVID-19 isolation and self distancing protocols. What kind of picture does that paint? We’ve been lucky that the store shelves are still relatively well stocked with food. That is likely to change dramatically over the next few years. The 2020 late spring is already a reality for the major growing areas in North America (with record cold and snow). The same scenario is playing out in Europe right now. And we’ve just started the descent into the GSM. We should be adjusting our approach to energy and food production to reflect a declining temperature scenario. Obviously difficult with the current COVID-19 situation and most likely too late to adapt properly.
I have historically been somewhat optimistic that Canada would be able to weather the GSM devastation because we were a relatively wealthy country. The Liberal energy/economic policies have unnecessarily decimated our energy industry. An industry that we and the world are going to need in the coming few decades (both practically and economically). With the COVID-19 economic (and societal) devastation layered on, my optimism has been greatly reduced. Without some drastic political change, we are not close to being ready for what’s coming. The alarmists can worry about some virtual reality temperature increases 80 years from now. Our “leaders” need to start worrying about the temperature decreases that will occur over the next few years. Our “leaders” must stop being CAGW alarmists.
I am 62 years old and have been proudly Canadian throughout my life. I can’t say that anymore. Our Canadian Confederation is failing the West and separation is rapidly becoming the only reasonable alternative going forward (even if a potential change in government was possible). Liberal ideology continues to push further left ignoring the real problems that Canada and the rest of the world face. Central Canada does not and will not ever reflect Western values. But the blatant attacks on the West’s (not just Alberta’s) energy industry is destroying our ability to provide for our families and community. That must change!
Mr. Kenny, western separation must be put on the table. Alberta/Canada needs a strong energy industry to provide the economic foundation to face the economic/societal one-two punch that nature has and will be dumping on us. The first punch (COVID-19 pandemic and unnecessary oil price war) have left us bruised and bloodied. The second punch (GSM temperature drops) will hit the food supply hard. None of these events are the federal government’s fault. However, their policies and regulations have still been and will continue to be very damaging (especially to the resource industry). Alberta is burning and JT and his Liberal ideologues continue to fiddle. JT needs to promote the energy industry and stop playing his green games or he (and his successors) won’t have much of a country to govern.