Computer Models
OPS-19 The whole “Global Warming” Alarmist story is based strictly on computer model projections. That is not science. Computer modelling is a tool but not a proof. The computer models used by the IPCC are essentially programmed to respond to CO2 alone. And on top of that, they multiply their inflated CO2 climate sensitivity by a factor of 3 (to get to unrealistic warming scenarios) by theorizing that more CO2 will lead to more water vapour, leading to higher temperatures, leading to more water vapour and on and on. The only problem with that theory is, again, no empirical data. The opposite actually occurs, more water vapour means more clouds and precipitation (typical during a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM)) which actually cools the planet. As shown, the natural forcings (primarily solar (directly and/or indirectly)) are set at virtually zero. So for 4 billion years, CO2 has been invisible in the historical data, but going forward the only influence on temperature will be CO2. I don’t think so! The sun’s energy output hasn’t suddenly become a universal constant.
Ignoring the lower solar activity associated with the widely forecasted GSM is the biggest mistake that this planet’s collective consciousness may have ever made. We should know better. And that mistake will be very apparent within the next few years. With a few modifications, Greta will be able to repeat her UN rant in five to ten years and call out the governments and “scientists” that totally missed a very evident, impending crisis in front of them (GSM induced cooling temperatures) to waste trillions of “our” dollars on a perceived problem 80 years from now (without any empirical data back-up).

Dr. John Christy – Models vs. Observations