Common Sense
OPPS-9 I know it is a lot to ask but it certainly would be nice to see some common sense applied to our Federal Government decisions. Unfortunately, I do not see that happening. The Liberal Government appears to be committed to their ill-informed, idiotological (not a typo) viewpoint on “Climate Change”. If there was any doubt, those were quickly dispelled by Justin Trudeau’s most recent “Great Reset” declaration. For clarity, the declaration was made in late September, but just recently came to light. As I mentioned in OPPS-8 (earlier this month), Trudeau is going all in (with our money and our freedoms) on every New World Order, globalist initiative that he can throw at us. The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” is just the latest step towards establishing the UN’s one world government through the 2030 Agenda. At this point, I should point out these are Justin’s ramblings, not mine. Hard to call this a conspiracy theory when the words are coming from Justin’s own mouth at an official press briefing for the UN meeting “Financing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the era of COVID-19 and Beyond”.
#showusthedata #globalwarming #climatechange
Trudeau is attempting to tie two “emergency” situations together (COVID-19 and “Climate Change”, in conjunction with the WEF, UN, et al) to push the “Great Reset”. There are so many things wrong with that position.
- Trudeau has no mandate from the Canadian people to pursue this radical socialist agenda.
- A UN one world government will be unelected (fact), unaccountable (fact) and corrupted (my opinion, but try searching “examples of UN corruption” and see where it takes you). Sounds more like a communist than a democratic government to me.
- There is no Climate Emergency (CLINTEL World Climate Declaration). From a personal level (, I have mentioned many times that there is no empirical CO2/temperature dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. That nonexistent dataset is required to move the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) narrative from a religious belief to a scientific position. Anyone (scientist or not) can disprove that statement by bringing some new validated empirical data forward.
- The medical severity of the COVID-19 pandemic is still open to interpretation (the positions of Dr. Atlas versus Dr. Fauci are just one small example).
- The economic and social fallout from COVID-19 are not in question. Economies around the world were devastated leading to exorbitant job losses, mountainous debt increases, social degradation (rising crime, rising domestic abuse (spousal and child)), unnecessary deaths (drug overdoses, suicides, delayed life saving medical procedures, etc.).
The last point needs to be addressed. But “Climate Change” does not and should not be layered in on top of those economic recovery efforts. Here is where common sense should prevail. Sadly, I do not expect common sense from our Federal Government. Note, that does not let other levels of government off the hook. My appeal goes out to the average taxpayer (regardless of political affiliation) that still can reason, use logic and apply common sense to the real problems we are facing.
The common sense approach would delay the huge, unvalidated and unnecessary expenses/taxes associated with the CAGW alarmist crowd solution to “Climate Change” and direct those funds to bringing our country back to economic stability rather than foolishly digging our economic hole deeper. Delaying Canada’s 2015 Paris Accord commitments by 10 years would mean the temperature in 2100 would be roughly 0.00033 °C warmer than it would have been without the delayed expenditures (based on IPCC “science”). For the record, using the same science and stopping all of Canada’s 2015 Paris Accord commitments, means our great, great grandchildren would have to suffer through a horrifying extra 0.001 °C of obviously deadly heat. Hard to imagine they could possibly survive that apocalyptic furnace.
In keeping with that potential first step towards healing our economic problems, the Federal Government should think about fixing our country’s problems before trying to fix the rest of the world. We do not need to be adding new foreign aid commitments.(like the $400,000,000 Trudeau just committed to fight COVID-19 on the international stage and the close to one billion dollars that he wasted on his failed bid for a UN Security Council seat). Trudeau could also reconsider (or at a minimum delay) his recent commitment to bring in 1.2 million immigrants over the next 3 years. We have one of the higher unemployment rates in the G-20 and many of these immigrants are destined for our already expensive social programs. We need to get our unemployed back to work and off those social programs. These are all borrowed dollars, leaving us indebted that much further.
There are plenty of opportunities for the Federal Government to help Canadians through our own government induced COVID-19 problems. Or maybe Justin could throw some money to our veterans who he admonished a couple of years ago for “asking for more than we are able to give right now.” Or maybe he could honour his commitment to our many indigenous communities that still do not have clean drinking water. And closer to home, Trudeau should consider stopping (or at least delaying) the incessant fight against the energy industry. Canada’s recovery from COVID-19 will require a healthy energy industry. And Justin all you need to do is get out of the way. The only thing holding us back are the many hypocritical, unjustified and unnecessary green regulations imposed by you and your predecessors.
I will close this with a quick discussion on western separation. I have always been in favour of Canada and Confederation. That has been changing over the last several years and Justin, you and your globalist partners are the reason. Note, I do not have time or space to address all your unsubstantiated “Climate Change” claims. However, here’s a couple of your quotes that have helped shape my perspective on Canada’s future. From the NY Times (December 8th, 2015, Trudeau’s Canada Again).
“There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada.”
“There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.”
Right from the start you laid out your globalist intentions and have ultimately out done yourself. We had an identity in Canada (we were Canadians, proud of it and we were respected around the world). That has changed. I am still Canadian, but I have no desire to live in your post national state. Western separation is a real and growing issue. And based on your recent “Great Reset” rant, western separation is becoming the only reasonable option to restore and then maintain our western way of life. The “Great Reset” will not fix Canada (or the World), it will destroy our society (one of the best in the world), our economy and tear the country apart.
The UN’s socialist agenda (2030) is clear. For decades, they have used an unscientific viewpoint on “Climate Change” as the fuel (akin to deadfall building up in a mismanaged forest) that will burn down our western societies. “COVID-19 (more specifically the lockdowns)” is the spark that gets that fire going globally and the “Great Reset” is the accelerant being used to spread that fire quickly. You could even argue that Justin is one of the many UN globalist arsonists pushing that agenda. People, there is not much time left for everyone to wake up. Start thinking for yourself.

OPPS-8 – Canadian Deficits – November Update
I wanted to thank you for this wonderful read!! I definitely loved every bit of it. Ardys Barri Giltzow
Much appreciated.
Thanks, Ron