CO2, Life and Temperature Fluctuations Over 600 Million Years
OPS-41 This post combines a recently circulating life representation over the last 600 million years with their corresponding atmospheric CO2 and Global temperatures. The post is somewhat self-explanatory, but essentially the post TAKEAWAY sums the point up very well.
For 600 million years, life has thrived with much higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations, in much warmer temperatures but we need to worry about a 125 ppm increase in CO2 (to 400 ppm) and a ~1 ºC increase in temperature (to ~ 15 ºC)? Is CO2 driving the climate?1 Not so much.
1. There is no empirical CO2/Temperature data set that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale.
#climatechange #globalwarming #showusthedata
I really hope that the general public starts waking up to the very real primary existential threat that “Climate Change” presents. There is the physical threat (solar cooling, not CO2 warming) but the far more serious threat is the political/economic damage that the CAGW alarmist view of “Climate Change” entails. The fear porn pushed out by the CAGW alarmist crowd is just the catalyst for the UN/Globalist push for an unelected, unaccountable, corrupt, totalitarian One World Government using the Great Reset, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and the rest of the useless UN entities/programs. The slow crawl to world communism is being replaced by a much more aggressive push. OPPS-8 (Canadian Deficits – November Update) and OPPS-9 (Common Sense) provide some additional commentary.
WAKE UP! The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmist NARRATIVE is not based on science or good environmental practices. And if you think the extended COVID-19 lockdowns were inconvenient/dangerous/economic suicide, etc., wait until the far more long-term Totalitarian (and UNNECESSARY) Climate Lockdowns are imposed. The average citizen needs to start speaking up. Our children’s and grandchildren’s futures are under immediate threat!

Berner et al, 2001 – GEOCARB III – CO2 History